Basha says he's preparing the legislation so that the €110 million fine will be paid from Rama’s own pockets

Basha says he's preparing the legislation so that the €110 million fine will be paid from Rama’s own pockets

21:38, 05/04/2021
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Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha declared on Monday the hefty fine of €110 million imposed on Albania by the International Court of Arbitration will be paid with Albanian Premier Edi Rama’s own money. Albania lost its case against Italian entrepreneur Francesco Becchetti, whose Agon TV channel was shut down by the Albanian government which was considered as a politically motivated decision by the Court.

The decision is final and Albania now has to pay Becchetti the above mentioned amount of money.

Speaking on Çim Peka LIVE on Syri TV, opposition chief Basha said his government will make possible that this money will be paid by Rama and his cronies instead of the Albanian citizens.

“One of the measures that we will take in the framework of correcting the injustices of these 8 years will be assuming personal responsibility, i.e. the response with the personal assets of those who have caused illegal damage to the Albanian state knowingly and the case of Becchetti is quite clear. It has been revealed in the media now that Edi Rama's representative sat with Becchetti and told him to change the editorial line to leave him alone”, Basha said, hinting at the prime ministry’s secretary Ëngjëll Agaçi.

He later confirmed it: “Engjëll Agaçi, absolutely yes. Today, perhaps, the Prime Minister himself would have been taken as a defendant, as many prime ministers or presidents have been taken during campaign times. One of the added values of April 25 is that it will end the culture of impunity”, Basha promised.

“We will pass the legislation for which we have already started consultations with well-known international lawyers of international institutions to do what is known in legal terminology as the transfer of financial responsibility for a damage caused to the public interest as individual responsibility”, Basha said, responding to the questions if his government will force Rama and company pay with their own money the damages made to the Albanian state.


Lexo edhe:


Daj Jaku06/04/2021 09:46

Mos harro ermut urjahvelian.

...06/04/2021 09:07

Perse duhet nje ligjbi vecante per kete? KLSH nese konstaton dem ekonomik ngarkon me shluerjen e demit personin/personat qe e kane shkaktuar. Perse nuk e auditon KLSH proveduren qe eshte ndjekur? Ligjerisht Rama ia hedh ne te gjitha rastet pasi nuk ka hedhur ndonje firme, por ata qe do te shkojne pas hekurave dhe do te ngarkohen me demshperblimin e demit do te fillojne te “kendojne”

Gj 05/04/2021 22:13

Ashtu,, ta paguaj se i prishi vete nuk ja prishem ne,orandaj ti paguaj cdo demtim ,ska per kapricot e rames te paguajm ne.

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