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PIRANJAT/ Me Florian Binaj dhe Dojna Mema

President Meta condemns the prosecution of coronavirus victim’s daughters: Police should leave them mourn their father

President Meta condemns the prosecution of coronavirus victim’s daughters: Police should leave them mourn their father

18:08, 18/02/2021
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Albanian President Ilir Meta condemned the initiation of the criminal proceedings against Ardita and Ina Lalo, the daughters of of Rifat Lalo that accused the on-guard doctor at the Covid hospital, Migena Qato, of unethical communication and said she left their father waiting in a chair untilled he passed away. Meta expressed his condolences to the family members through a post on his Facebook page.

“Law enforcement agencies must investigate why hospitals do not have the necessary medical equipment, why health diagnostic concession contracts were not used to deal with the pandemic, how all secret tenders were conducted or not in health and why the Ministry of Health and the Government have not taken concrete actions to purchase ECMO life-saving equipment, to reduce the mortality rate of patients that get intubated.

These scandals and many others must be investigated to the end, but not the citizens, who mourn their relatives, who have passed away. The Lalo family must be left alone to mourn the loss of their loved one.

Meanwhile, every state institution must exercise its functions without impinging on human dignity and personality, as well as to show support and solidarity with the citizens, who are suffering in this time of pandemic”, underlined President of Albania among other things.

However, State Police launched the criminal proceedings against the two daughters of Rifat Lalo, as it claims the girls have spread false information about the Infectious Diseases doctor Migena Qato.

After the death of their father infected with coronavirus, the two sisters Ardita and Ina Lalo said he was left to die in a chair at the Infectious Diseases Hospital, without receiving any medical services. The girls have stated in the media that they will go to the end of this issue and that they will seek investigations into the way their father was treated.


Lexo edhe:


Daj Jaku18/02/2021 23:01

Çfarë mutin do policia wë hyn aty ku nuk ka asnjë tagër, policia vegël qorre e një kryeministri të shkalluar nga trutë e që nuk i shkon mirëbas edhe gjëja më banale përveç propagandls dhe show televiziv me ministra që pstrojnë rrugët nga bora, me qeveri wëndel në Rinas për të pritur një valixhe vaksinash kontrabandë, sikur të ishte Çu En Lai në vakt. Pse nuk preokupohet për këto pisllëqe të ndyra policia e Eskobar Velidë por merret me çështje që janë jashtë detyrës së saj shtetërore. Çensura kundër fjalës, agjitacion e propagandë, Neni 55.

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