Basha blames Rama for the massive youth emigration, says it’s time for change

Basha blames Rama for the massive youth emigration, says it’s time for change

09:37, 20/01/2021
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Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha said today Premier Edi Rama has destroyed Albania’s economy and has forced the young people to flee. Basha referred to Eurostat findings, which have ranked the country sixth in terms of mass emigration.

"Eurostat ranked Albania in the sixth place in the world for mass emigration. For 8 years with his failures, Rama destroyed the economy and forced our young people to leave. Due to Rama's failures, the economic situation is the worst in the region today.

We Albanians are successful everywhere in the world - so there is no reason why we should not be successful here in our country! The time has come for change. The time has come to remove Rama and bring hope and development for our country", wrote Basha.


    Lexo edhe:


    Vendi yne 21/01/2021 14:09

    Rama e mori pushtetin se popullit i kishte vajtur thika thelle e me thelle,tani me Ramen ika prekur kocken.Qe te dy ju dhe partite morracake qe bejne kualicione nuk i duheni me ketij Vendi.Largohuni Jeni te gjithe maskarenj dhe tradhetar

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