Former Albanian FM Islami draw parallels between Rasha’s murder and the murders that changed Slovakia

Former Albanian FM Islami draw parallels between Rasha’s murder and the murders that changed Slovakia

12:46, 09/12/2020
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Albanian politician Kastriot Islami, a former Speaker of the Parliament and Foreign Minister, gave his opinion on Klodian Rasha’s murder by the State Police because he did not obey to the order to stop and run away to avoid a ticket for violating the curfew.

Islami drew parallels with the murders that shocked Slovakia in 2018 and led to a power change in the country.

Islami wrote:

A murder that changed Slovakia.

Murders of and violence against the citizens from the corrupt power is an offspring of corruption, of fear of losing the power. Always and anywhere!

In February 21 2018, Slovakian journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée, both 27, were shot dead. In April 2018, the military Miroslav Marcek, who confessed to have committed the crime, was sentenced with 23 years in prison.

Kuciak was active as an investigative journalist and before his death had written that "(Italian Calabrese mafia) ‘Ndragheta is making efforts to establish relations with Slovak politicians in Slovakia”.

The oligarch Marian Kocner was suspected as the one that ordered the murder, but he was convinced only for holding a weapon without permit.

The murders of the two journalists were followed by huge protests, the biggest ones after the velvet revolution of 1989, demanding the punishment of the ones that ordered the murders and against the corruption that had grabbed by the throat the small ex-communist country. Premier Robert Fico stepped down under the immense pressure of the protesters”.


Lexo edhe:


Daj Jaku09/12/2020 14:51

Luli si politikan europian është kundër protestave, njëlloj si në Korenë e veriut. Përse aludon për Sllovakinë profesor Kaçi? Dil e thuaj hapur, bëj thirrje për protesta. Asnjë nga çka mbetur nga PD e dikurshme nuk prenoncohet, keni "frikë" të flisni para Lulit. Nuk mjafton një vizitë ngushëllimi te shpija. Të dalim e të bllokojmë MPB. Të djegim makinat e policisë, BMW e ministërlleshit, të bllokojmë prokurorinë me dyndje njerëzish të rrevoltuar. Një popull që nuk proteston do të thotë që është i lumtur, i kënaqur që ja vrasin fëmijët. Kështu thonë bota edhe për koreanët e veriut. Janë shumë të lumtur, kështu thonë edhe gazetat e televizionet e tyre. Mos prisni o PD të fitoni zgjedhjet në paqë me kriminelët. Më keq se me vra rininë, çfarë prisni të bëjë Edvin krimineli skicofren?

kot fare09/12/2020 14:39

ti islam i dashur qe ste eshte lagur bytha asnjeherere ben mire qe te mos flasesh percart. krahasimi qe ben zotrote s'eshte as parale dhe as tangent,keshtu o profesor i rrjedhur

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