Basha comments the state budget of 2021: Rama continues steeling, other €20 million for the incinerators

Basha comments the state budget of 2021: Rama continues steeling, other €20 million for the incinerators

12:29, 21/10/2020
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Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha commented the state budget of 2021, presented yesterday by the Socialist Party, saying it’s “the most irresponsible budget and the biggest lies of the last 30 years”.

“The Albanian citizens are facing the man that in the last months of his tenure in power continues to steal their money for concessions and PPPs like that of the incinerators”, Basha said. “I have the table showing how much Rama has planned to give them next year. The incinerators only will receive €20 million, in total €120 million has been planned to be given to these corruptive contracts and concessions”.

Basha said the amount of money for the incinerators is six times higher than the plan of indexing he pension and three times higher than the fund for the families in need of economic aid.


Lexo edhe:


Fiku bashkis21/10/2020 14:32

Se kush eshte Edver Ramiç hajduti e kane te qarte shum mir shqiptaret. Ju z.Basha keni per detyre qe sa te vini ne pushtet pas 25 prillit, kete horr bashke me banden e tij te hajduteve, ta çoni atje ku e kane vendin llumrat e mega vjedhjes dhe grabitjes se ketij populli te varfer deri ne dhimbje.

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