Basha accuses Premier Rama of paying €24 million for an incinerator that does not exist

Basha accuses Premier Rama of paying €24 million for an incinerator that does not exist

12:12, 09/10/2020
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Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha denounced today a corruptive affair of Premier Edi Rama and Minister of Reconstruction Arben Ahmetaj, saying they have paid €24 million for the construction of the incinerator, which does not exist.

“There is a meadow in Fier, it has a fence surrounding an unfinished building, where, till today, €24 million of Albanians tax money have vanished”, Basha said in a meeting with media reporters in Lushnja today.

“That building’s name is the incinerator of Fier, but the incinerator does not exist. It’s a black pit that has sucked the Prime Minister, the so-called Minister of Reconstruction, and figures of the organized crime”, Basha said.

“It has taken €24 million from the Albanians’ taxes and there is no incinerator. Think about what we could have done with that money. We could have helped out 24 thousand businesses with our economic plan, more businesses than the county of Fier has, for the next six months that will be hard on the economy”.


Lexo edhe:


KS09/10/2020 19:29

E ka e ka Edi Rama ne 3D siç ka ndertimet e Aeroporteve Hekurudhave Porteve dhe shume projekteve te tjera qe kerkon ti genjej shqiptaret pavaresisht qe ai hiqet sikur eshte ne Opozite harron qe ka 8 vjet ne pushtet dhe genjen dhe mashtron nga mjesi ne darke. PD fiton zgjedhjet e pa diskutushme dhe Rama do akuzoj mi vodhen zgjedhjet pavaresisht qe ai do boj namin duke vjedh vota por nuk e ploteson fitoren lodhet kot.

Shkreli - keshilltari mbjelljes se qimeve 09/10/2020 12:51

Perfundimisht gjithe bota ra dakord qe perkufizimi i fundit I korrupsionit eshte si vijon: Korupsion = Pushtet autokratik rilindar plus monopole_oligarke minus transparence shumezim Edvin Ah-Metaj .

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