Indictments Are against Individuals, Not an Attack on KLA, Says Former Chief Prosecutor Clint Williamson

Indictments Are against Individuals, Not an Attack on KLA, Says Former Chief Prosecutor Clint Williamson

12:02, 25/06/2020
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Ambassador Clint Williamson was the Chief Prosecutor of the European Union Special Investigative Task Force (SITF) in 2011, which started investigations on alleged crimes by members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during and after the Kosovo War.

On Wednesday, following the publication of indictments against KLA leaders, including President Hashim Thaci, Ambassador Williamson has restated part of his team’s conclusions after their investigation in 2014. The material was published on the website of Arizona State University where Professor Williamson lectures.

Amb. Williamson: Statement on the Indictment of Kosovo’s President Thaci for Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes

Today, the Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office in The Hague made public the existence of an indictment against President Hashim Thaci of Kosovo and other former leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) for crimes against humanity and war crimes. This is a significant development in an investigation that was initiated in 2011 with my appointment as Chief Prosecutor of the European Union Special Investigative Task Force. At the conclusion of my tenure as Prosecutor in 2014 I announced our preliminary investigative findings and closed by stating the following:

Some, in order to protect themselves, have tried to portray this investigation as an attack on Kosovo’s fight for freedom or on the KLA as an organization. Many Kosovars joined the KLA with the best of intentions and they rejected the rampant criminality that transpired after the war. Some of them have shown great courage and integrity by coming forward as witnesses and telling what they know about those who took a different path – those in leadership positions who embraced criminality and wanted to use the KLA to further their own personal objectives. So, it should be clear that this investigation and any charges that result from it, are directed at the criminal actions of individuals within distinct groups, not at the KLA as a whole.

Nor, is this an attempt to re-write history, as some have tried to present it. I was in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999 and I supervised the subsequent investigation by the ICTY of Serb-perpetrated crimes during that period, co-authoring the initial indictment against Slobodan Miloševi? and others for the crimes directed against Kosovo Albanian victims. I had a leading role in the exhumations of mass graves that occurred in the summer of 1999, where the bodies of thousands of Kosovo Albanian victims were recovered. I went to numerous crime scenes throughout Kosovo and I spent many hours speaking with victims and with family members of those missing or killed. So, from my own very direct involvement, I understand clearly what happened in Kosovo in the years leading up to the war in 1999 and in the war itself.

No matter what the circumstances are that led to that conflict, though, there is nothing that justifies the intentional targeting of innocent individuals. What happened in the aftermath of the conflict was not about defending Kosovo or fighting for freedom. Rather, this was a brutal attack on significant portions of the civilian population. It was directed at almost all of the Serbs who wanted to stay in Kosovo, many of whom were elderly or infirm; at the Roma and other ethnic minorities; and it was directed at those Kosovo Albanians who opposed a small group within the KLA having a monopoly on power. In the end, this was solely about certain individuals in the KLA leadership using elements of that organization to perpetrate violence in order to obtain political power and personal wealth for themselves, not about any larger cause. And, it is as individuals that they must bear responsibility for their crimes.

What I said in 2014 still holds true today. For those in Kosovo who are tempted to react with anger toward this indictment, and particularly for those in Kosovo who would try to incite public opposition to it, I would urge them to exercise restraint. These are serious allegations and the implications for those charged are likewise grave, but it is important that these accusations be addressed through a judicial process and that will follow in due course. At that point, I sincerely hope that there will be a clear resolution that delivers justice for the victims of these crimes – a critical step in allowing both Kosovo and Serbia to move forward and put this tragic period behind them.


Lexo edhe:


shqiptar27/06/2020 21:02

Për ngjarjen e akuzës së deklaruar të një prokurori me dyshimin se Thaçi e disa bashkëpuntorë të tij, për "krime kundër njerëzimit", shumica e shqiptarëve me të drejtë i urojnë atij që të dalë i pafajshëm nga gjykata pasi nuk ka shqiptar me mend në kokë që të dënojë luftën që bëri UÇK kundër kriminelëve pushtues serbë. A ka pasur Thaçi si zëdhënës politik i UÇK merita për këtë luftë ? Sugurisht që po Merita ka pasur edhe Enver Hoxha si udhëheqës politik ilegal i Luftës N,Çl,. Në Kosovë me miratimin e parlamentit të saj, pasi për një kohë relativisht të gjatë, gjykatat shqiptare nuk patën kurajon që të hetonin disa veprime e vrasje të dyshimta, në mënyre të pazakontë u krijua një gjykatë speciale, që ndonëse u quajt e Kosovës, në fakt ishte e përbërë nga juristë të vendeve perëndimore. Tani le ta zhvendosim këtë gjykatë "speciale" në kohë e hapsirë në Shqipërinë e viteve 60-të, njëzet vite pas Çlirimit të Shqipërisë. Sot komunistët që dikur ulërinin kundër imperializmit amerikan e Europës kapitaliste, deklarohen më të dashur me perëndimin , edhe se mijra shqiptarë që këta patën persekutuar pikërisht se i kishin sytë nga perëndimi. Këtyre soj hipokritësh "demokratë perëndimorë" do tju bëja pyetjen : Çfarë do të kishte ndodhur sikur Shqipëria e deklaruar si "aleate" e SHBA e Britanisë në luftën kundër pushtuesve nazi-fashistë, do të pranonte që nga mezi i viteve 60-të, në Shqipëri të krijohej një gjykatë speciale me juristë të perëndimit, që të hetonin Enver Hoxhën e krimet e tij ? Sa bashkëpuntorë të ngushtë të tij i pushkatoi ai vetëm me akuzën e sajuar si agjentë të imperializmit ? Sa shqiptarë u kalbën burgjeve vetëm se ju kishte shpëtuar një fjalë për Titon, Hrushovin apo Mao ce Dunin, kur ishte ai që pasi ju a kishte shitur shqiptarëve si perëndi, i quajti më vonë "armiq të betuar të popullit shqiptar" ? Mendoni vërtetë që një gjykatë e tillë po të ngrihej në ate kohë do ta nxirrte të pafajshëm ate diktator gjakatar e ta shpallte hero ? Nuk dua që të bëj tek Thaçi një paralelizëm me Enverin, pasi janë kohë të ndryshme e situata të ndryshme, ama nuk është pa gjë përceptimi se edhe Thaçi ka vepruar me kundërshtarët e tij politikë me metodat jo të nderëshme e demokratike. Është fakt që akoma nuk janë zbardhur akoma deri sot nga drejtësia, disa vrasje misterioze të liderëve të partisë së Rugovës. Kjo gjykatë edhe sikur të zbulonte autorët e disa prej këtyre vrasjeve, do ti sillte një shërbim të mirë ndërtimit të shtetit ligjor demokratik në Kosovë. Boll që tek shqiptart të shpërndahet mjergulla se kush janë tradhëtarët e kush janë "gomarët"

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