Premier Rama takes the side of the Police Director General that smeared the violated teenager’s mom

Premier Rama takes the side of the Police Director General that smeared the violated teenager’s mom

13:01, 02/06/2020
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Albanian Premier Edi Rama has defended the discredited Director General of State Police Ardi Veliu, who smeared the mother of a teenager that was beaten by four police officers for breaking the curfew rules going for a ride at Tirana’s artificial lake. Speaking to the parliamentary commission of security members, Veliu said he condemned the violence, but added the kid was not educated properly, showing a video footage of his mother hold a handgun to another woman’s head. It turned out it was a movie scene as the kid’s mother is an actress, but Veliu said his words were taken out of context.

Rama decided to stand by the Police Director’s side, despite admitting he had made a mistake digging in the private life of the teenager and his mother.

“He made a mistake, but I am more inclined to believe his public apology and explanation rather than the moralists of this country”, Rama said today. “It’s quite clear it wasn’t an effort to find an excuse for the violation, because the police officer has been suspended already and is under criminal investigation. It was a badly-explained effort to say that families have responsibilities for the education of the younger education”.

“For me, the case is closed. I choose the director, not them, I’m sorry”, said Premier Rama.


Lexo edhe:


Pa emer02/06/2020 15:59

Erdhe ne pushtet duke na treguar Moralin dhe Drejtshkrimin. Tani e hodhe moralin pertoke dhe pernuzja per njerezit e drejte eshte ti quash moralista. Te rrofte drejtshkrimi

Ili02/06/2020 15:50

Sigurisht qe do ta mbrosh drejtorin arrogant sepse eshte pasqyre e jotja dhe qeversjes tende. Ne fakt pergjigjen duhet ta japi gjykata, por ky (as emrin sja them dot) kujton se eshte sulltan e vulos vete per cdo gje.

Koli 02/06/2020 14:02

Menyra qe Drejtori i Policise te mos i nenshtrohet hetimit administrativ dhe penal per shperdorim detyre , mashtrim te komisioni parlamentar etj . Njelloj si me ekspertizen e zerit te Babales qe e kishte bere ne nje laborator te njohur nderkombetar brenda 24 oreve dhe u pa fundi zyrtar i hetimit te asaj çeshtje ...Natyrisht pas gjithe atyre sherbimeve ne kundershtim me ligjin eshte koha per te qene me Drejtorin e Policise me integritet te paperfolur...

Rilindori02/06/2020 14:01

O rraca e qenit,,nuk keni faj ju kur keni tredhur 70% te popullit o monstra o piranja .ti do shpetosh o sulltan brekushja po policet e mesusit e kelyshet e tu rilindas do paguajne per cdo gje qe kane bere per 7-8 vjet

Skrapari02/06/2020 13:57

O Edvin ty te q....gomari te teme bashke me linden. Ore neser do te gjesh valle vrime ku te futesh? Ne te kundert te gjeje vrime ku te futet Lul Basha.

dritani02/06/2020 13:24

me fal po kush pyet kryeministrin per nje akt te nje ezekutivi se nuk eshte kompetenca e tij? nuk eshte paguar kryeministri per te tjera pune? Po polici eshte edhe mesues qe tregon qe edukata varent nga familja? dmth kryeministri, jo vetem qe nuk ben detyren tende, por edhe humbet kohen, por edhe ngaterron rolet e detyrave te hallkave te shoqerise. Me fal po ose eshte llogjike e semure ose pathologjike. Me fal qe humba kohe me kete mesazh per ty se besoj me shume ke hipoteza e dyte.

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