'Who gives a damn what the US Embassy says!'/ The former minister explodes: EU is speaking frankly, in what position your ass is …

'Who gives a damn what the US Embassy says!'/ The former minister explodes: EU is speaking frankly, in what position your ass is …

21:16, 19/05/2020
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Former Minister of Justice, Ylli Manjani says that he is surprised by the attention paid to what is said by the American embassy, ??as he says that the European Union has bluntly told Albania, every day more clearly that we are far from sitting at the table with them.

The former minister points out that to the US Embassy, ??the government's stick against its own people, seems healthy.

"Who gives a damn what the US Embassy says! Let them say what they want! ”Manjani reacts harshly


I honestly don't understand this super media attention of "what is the US embassy saying" ?!

We want to negotiate with Europe and wait for what America is telling us?! In which ass does this logic stands?! The EU is telling us bluntly, every day more clearly that we are far from sitting at the table with them. These days we are even further away.

"Who gives a damn what the US Embassy says! Let them say what they want!

The country needs to get ready to sit at the table with Europe. This is the objective. To achieve this goal we will not take lectures from the embassy of a non-European country. All the more so when the government’s stick to its people looks healthy for this embassy! Or when the rule of a man seems to them as Rule of Law !!!!

It's that simple.

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Lexo edhe:


kokepalari21/05/2020 22:25

mund te rrosh edhe pa vajtur ne Ameriqi !!

Deni20/05/2020 03:15

I putana i ameriki Thone greket

altini19/05/2020 21:45

Ylli, tash po ta ndalojne edhe ty hyrjen ne Amerike ..................

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