Democrat chief Basha in video conference with party structures to talk about the crisis and its bad management

Democrat chief Basha in video conference with party structures to talk about the crisis and its bad management

10:33, 25/04/2020
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Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha will have a video conference today with the main party structures in the country concerning the coronavirus crisis.

The Democrat chief will call the party executive, former MP and the College of the Chairpersons to talk about ensuring the guarantee of the social distancing rules.

The online meeting of the Democratic Party structures will focus on the serious situation in the country caused by the coronavirus pandemics and its bad management from the government.


    Lexo edhe:


    Shqiptari25/04/2020 12:26

    Te gjithe qytetaret, mediat, gazetaret, shoqeria civile dhe strukturat politike neper qarqet, rrethet dhe qytetet e tyre t'iu kerkojne bashkive perkatese qe te publikojne neper vende te caktuara publike ne qytet ose neper web-faqet e tyre, listat e te gjithe perfituesve nga paketat e ndihmave ekonomike familjare, individuale dhe te bizneseve. Qe secili ta kuptoje mashtrimin e qeverise apo diskriminim qe kjo qeveri po iu ben qytetareve sipas perkatesive partiake!!! Te gjithe te marrin vesh se sa te sakta jane deklaratat e Satrapit te Surrelit dhe Tigrit te Falkeqesive, qe po grabisin gjithcka paturpesisht edhe ne situata fatkeqesish!!!

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