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SPAK rrëzon Olsi Ramën, nuk pranon kallëzimin e tij ndaj Gazment Bardhit: Nuk është kryer asnjë shpifje

Ready for the elections, Democrats say the united opposition is 10 points ahead of the ruling Socialist Party

Ready for the elections, Democrats say the united opposition is 10 points ahead of the ruling Socialist Party

15:59, 25/01/2020
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The Deputy Chairman of the Democratic Party (PD) Edi Paloka said today in Lushnja that the opposition’s biggest party is now 10 points ahead of the ruling Socialist Party (PS). He added the Democrats are now waiting only for the date of the new elections to rise to power for the first time since the loss in the 2013 elections.

“The Democratic Party is the first political force in Albania, the united opposition is absolutely at least 10 points ahead Edi Rama’s party, because I cannot name it again the Socialist Party”, Paloka said.


Lexo edhe:


Shqiptari25/01/2020 18:32

Mos ia fut kot Paloke! Vetem per zgjedhje nuk jeni fare gati. Edhe Rama e di mire kete, prandaj po tall trapin. Fare nuk jeni gati per zgjedhje. Me cfare skeme votimi apo sistemi zgjedhor do te hyni ne zgjedhje? Cilet jane 140 emrat e kandidateve per deputete? Nese do te ribehen edhe zgjedhjet lokale ne te nhejten dite, cilet jane kandidatet per kryetare bashkie, cilet jane kandidatet per ne keshillat bashkiake? Si jane perzgjedhur, apo si do te perzgjidhen? Çfare ka bere opozita deri tani? A i ka diskutuar emrat e kandidateve neper forumet e saja, apo po ja futni kot? Po e beni si partizanet ne kohen e luftes per te "trembur" armikun, pas Brigates se I sulmuese, krijohej Brigada e 22, pastaj e 5, pastaj e 15, me pas Brigada e 2, gjithesej 4 Brigada. Nuk po shikojme asnje levizje konkrete te opozites perveç hartimeve te bukura ne facebook apo konferenca shtypi.

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