Tirana Mayor Veliaj’s threatening SMSs to the Italian businessman cost €110 million to Albanians

Tirana Mayor Veliaj’s threatening SMSs to the Italian businessman cost €110 million to Albanians

14:13, 19/12/2019
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Former Minister of Finances Arben Malaj made some strong accusations against Tirana’s Mayor Erion Veliaj over the heavy fine worth €110 million that Albania will pay to the Italian entrepreneur Francesco Becchetti. Speaking with Opinion host Blendi Fevziu, Malaj said Beccheti won the trial with the Albanian government also on the grounds of some threatening messages he had received from Veliaj and Premier Edi Rama.

“The €110-million penalty the poor Albanian taxpayers will pay is based on Edi Rama’s and Erion Veliaj’s threatening messages addressed to an independent media (Becchetti’s Agon TV). Three messages Veliaj wrote to him were ‘do not deal with my wedding banquet’, ‘do not make me your enemy’ because, ‘I will do this to you…’ In every international court, when a business is threatened by the politicians, the case is immediately won. But they (Rama and Veliaj) are infantile, they don’t know what legal responsibility means”, Malaj said.

© SYRI.net

Lexo edhe:


Alfons Malo19/02/2020 12:28

Nqs qeveria e humbet gjyqin dhe faktet ne relacion jane per kete qe thote ish ministri i financave,atehere keto te paguhen nga erion veliaj dhe edi rama sipas pergjegjesise se sejcilit.Çfare i kane keto atanga parat e marra nga nderet qe kane bere ,asgje,por per ne popullin e shkrete jane shume.

krasasi tp21/12/2019 14:31

72 deputet qenka fuqia politike e Z.Rama ne grupin parlamentar te PS."Komisari ishte loja".Peshqit e Velis e hengren karemin.

Shqiptari19/12/2019 16:13

Jo more jo! Kurren e kurres! Asnje cent nuk kane per te paguar shqiptaret! Boll kane paguar e po paguajne shqiptaret per gomarlleqet, paaftesite, per gjyqet e humbura brenda e jashte vendit dhe per hajdutlleqet e qeveritareve, ministrave, drejtoreve e krytaret e bashkive. 110 milione eurot dhe te gjitha demet e shkaktuara, me ligj te veçante, do ti paguajne vetem shkaktaret e tyre sharlatane, arrogante dhe qelbesire. Ne asnje menyre nuk do te paguaje populli te cilit i vodhen edhe votat per te qeverisur padrejtesisht! Kjo as qe nuk do te diskutohet fare.

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