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PIRANJAT/ Me Florian Binaj dhe Dojna Mema

An unpleasant surprise from Albanian women to OSCE Ambassador in Tirana

An unpleasant surprise from Albanian women to OSCE Ambassador in Tirana

09:23, 01/11/2019
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OSCE Ambassador to Tirana Bernd Borchardt was faced with an unpleasant surprise today morning in the Albanian capital.

While in waiting for the start of “The forum for the development of media” a few women showed up with chants and banners requesting Borchardt to leave the country.

A few days ago, Mr. Borchardt showed the finger to protesters outside the police department in Tirana while walking among them with his wife.  

Chanting “Shame on you”, “Borchardt go home”, “The middle finger should not lecture free media”, etc, the protesters requested Borchardt leave Albania.

Another banner said “Borchardt in Tirana, a shame for Albania”.

The women protested for a few minutes then left peacefully the room.


    Lexo edhe:


    Messi 01/11/2019 09:41

    Jo, ambassadori, por OSBE-ja????

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