A thank you to President Macron for exposing Rama’s hope-killing policy

A thank you to President Macron for exposing Rama’s hope-killing policy

10:22, 17/10/2019
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I don’t know what decision will be taken for Albania and I have shown my position related to the opening of negotiations since a year ago, even though none of the conditions has been fulfilled.

But I’d like to thank President Emanuel Macron, who – surely out of concern for his own country – pointed the finger to one of the most terrible wounds of the modern Albanian society, the exodus of thousands and thousands of citizens and their asylum requests in his country which is a serious problem for France but in reality it is a much bigger misfortune for Albania, a terrible national hemorrhage, a slow death to the future of our nation.

The ethnic cleansing of Albanians is based on the implementation to the letter of Vaso Cubrilovic’s doctrine by The Painter (Albanian Premier Edi Rama), on the hope-killing policy, which aims the expulsion of Albanian citizens and youth in peculiar from the country.

One year ago, a specific condition set by France and all the other EU member countries, besides the nine conditions set by Bundestag, was the reduction of the number of asylum seekers. Today, one year later, not only the conditions set by Bundestag were not fulfilled, but the aggravation of the situation brought the addition of three other conditions, whereas the number of Albanian asylum seekers in France has increased with 25%.

Exactly for that reason President Macron yesterday tarnished publically Rama’s policy of depopulating Albania.

“There are some weird things in this process (the enlargement). For instance, there is free movement before opening the negotiations. There is the free movement with Albania without opening the negotiations and this is a kind of a strange relationship. We granted the free movement and now we have thousands and thousands persons from this country seeking asylum”, Macron said.

Meanwhile, The Painter washes his hands like Pontius Pilate with his policy of killing hope, soft expulsion of Albanians from their country by declaring he will turn Albania into a bunker, bringing back memories of the time of his cruel fathers.

* Mr. Sali Berisha is a former President and Prime Minister of Albania

    © SYRI.net

    Lexo edhe:


    Mehmet17/10/2019 11:32

    Zoti Berisha juve gjithmone te huajt I mbroni???Cfar Ka bere Macaroni mire per Shqiperin apo Markel e Gjermanis Asgje vetem rromuja krijojne duke perdorur Qeverite pupete tonat shembull I kesaj keni qene dhe juve me Qeverite tuaja qe keni drejtuar te gjithe juve vetem pasiguri dhe Jo stabilitet keni krijuar ne shqiperi .Gjithmon mbroni te huajt edhe nje jevgjit me qene I huaj e beni me te mire se Shqiptaret TURP I madh.Keta te huajt na moren ne qafe terr jeten.Ku e Ka problem Presidenti I Francez apo ajo kryeministerja e Gjermanis per Shqiptaret ???They don't care o Shqiptar .

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