Voting under pressure, citizens respond with 95 thousand invalid ballot papers in the monist elections

Voting under pressure, citizens respond with 95 thousand invalid ballot papers in the monist elections

12:54, 03/07/2019
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After holding a contested electoral process, the Socialist commissioners in the Central Electoral Commissions (KQZ) as well as in zonal commissions (KZAZ) have started a broad action to regulate the discrepancies in the numbers of ballot papers and the numbers of voters.

In the latest press conference, KQZ announced the figure of 95 thousand invalid ballot papers which is 15% of all the votes.

“The number of invalid votes for mayoral candidates is 45.276, whereas for the municipality councils is 49.986”, KQZ said.

The number of invalid votes proves how many people have been totally unhappy and unconvinced to vote, but were forced to go to the ballot stations just like in the time of the dictatorship, threatened by the Renaissance with their or their familiars’ jobs.


    Lexo edhe:


    fieraku emigrant03/07/2019 13:03

    nuk ka me se cfare te bejne tani populli e tha fjalen e tij....ju pushtetare kushdo dallim politik...mos harroni se ne shqipetaret nuk frikesohemi kaq lehte...ju jeni tallur me gjakun tone...po ne dim si tju nxjerim bojen juve..kushdo qofshi...keni shfrytezuar shansin e hidhur qe shqipetaret nuk i keni iken per nje jet me te mire...po mos harroni se edhe pse jemi kaq large ..prap jemi te bashkuar...dhe e gjejme menyren tone per tu denoncuar...

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