Former Speaker of the Parliament Ceka: OSCBE must leave ASAP, it’s part of elections rigging in Albania

Former Speaker of the Parliament Ceka: OSCBE must leave ASAP, it’s part of elections rigging in Albania

08:58, 22/06/2019
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Former Interior Minister and former Speaker of the Parlament Neritan Ceka has made a strong accusation against OSCE, alleging the Organization is “part of the criminal apparatus of votes rigging” and as such it should have left Albania long ago.

“All the foreigners are very active, a part of them throw water to the fire, do not see there is a presidential decree, there is also an unlawful decision by the Central Electoral Commission to continue with the elections, and the wannabe OSCE Ambassador who says not to obstruct the elections”, Ceka told TV Ora News.

“This is participation in crime and OSCE is an accomplice in the establishment of all this criminal apparatus. I repeat it 100 times. I am not afraid to say, I used to say it when I was Speaker of the Parliament too: OSCE must go as soon as possible from Albania, it is part of the criminal apparatus of the elections rigging for the sake of their own interests! They are accomplices! (Head of OSCE Delegation) Borchardt is an accomplice”.


Lexo edhe:


Alfons Malo22/06/2019 13:49

I dashur Ceka! E kam thene edhe me pare : Nga Viti 2013 e ketej monedhat shqipetare nuk priten me ne Zvicer sipas kerkeses se bankes ,por ne Shqiperi! Keshtu qe ketu ka para me bollek se shyqyr zoti prodhimi i droges ka qene i mbare fale Ministrave te Brendshem nen udheheqjen e edi rames.Keshtu qe edhe OSBE dhe ambasadoret qe bejne sikur nuk shikojn asgje ,eshte mbyllur goja me thase me leke.A te tingellon kjo,qe opozita ka 5 muaj ne proteste dhe te thone nje fjale? A nuk e degjontaulantin qe edhe dje ne nje takim ne paperr tha qe sot del osbe ja me nje deklarate,dhe nuk vazhdoj shume dhe doli deklararata?! NGA E DINTE KY GOJE SHTRMBURI ?I THA RAMA OSBE se DHE DOLI.KJO ESHTE TE GJITHE JANE MBUSHUR DHE PO PRESIN TE IKIN SI KOKKUQJA

Askushi22/06/2019 09:48

E paster fare. OSBE jo vetem pjes e vjedhjes se votes, por pjes e kanabizimit te vendit, pjese e pastrimit te parave.... pjes e mafjes

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