Rebel group in the Socialist Party wants Premier Rama fired, replaced by Tirana’s Mayor Erion Veliaj

Rebel group in the Socialist Party wants Premier Rama fired, replaced by Tirana’s Mayor Erion Veliaj

22:15, 21/06/2019
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The leak or wiretapped conversations that were published by the German daily Bild has shocked Albanian Premier Edi Rama and his Socialist majority.

The political crisis in Albania and the leak of interceptions have created a division within the ruling Socialist Party (PS).

Socialist MP Ervin Bushati spoke today on the television Top Channel about the crisis in the Socialist Party, saying there is a group against Premier Rama.

According to Bushati, whose interview was later removed from Top Channel’s website, the rebel group within PS wants Rama’s dismissal and his replacement with Tirana’s Mayor Erio Veliaj.


Lexo edhe:


Edgar24/06/2019 23:42

Ato qe drejtojne per momentin ne PS apo dalin e japin ‘mend’ ne TV jane me Te paaftet qe ka patur ndonjehere PS. Si ka mundesi? Ku jane pjesa intelektuale dhe e nderuar e saj?

Gramoz24/06/2019 18:48

Lali Dhjeri 100 fish me i degjenerum se ustai i tij Edveri.

t21/06/2019 23:07

Te gjthe rilindasit b..q..kerkojne nje tjeter rilindas b..q... më te poshter se ustai vet

xi21/06/2019 22:45

ky osht ma i neveritshem ma kokrra byrhq...t. ka per tna u duk ram bythq.... i mir.

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