The Albanian parliament is on the brink of dissolution

The Albanian parliament is on the brink of dissolution

11:53, 14/06/2019
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The Parliament of Albania must have 140 Members, but it has less currently after the opposition MPs relinquished their mandates in February. Albanian Premier Edi Rama tried to fill the void with candidates from the electoral lists the opposition parties had registered before the electoral campaign of the June 2017 elections. The majority of the candidates did not accept Rama’s offer and only a few chose to become Members of the Parliament.

However, the Parliament is still 18 MPs short, as there are only 122 deputies out of 140, including the ones bought by the majority and morons that were included in the opposition lists during the last campaign.

The Article 64 of the Constitution says “The Assembly consists of no less than 140 deputies”.

Today the parliament has less than 140 members and it must be automatically dissolved or a constitutional decision is needed to dissolve it.

In addition the constitutional aspect, this is the worst parliament ever considering the political, moral and educational level.

There are a few deputies with integrity, but the majority belongs to a street level.


Lexo edhe:


tironci14/06/2019 15:15

E ka presidenti tagrin. Kur shef qe njeni krah i poltikes bile qe eshte ne pushtet lajthit sic ka lajthit gjith rilindja qe do me bo zgjedhje moniste, shto dhe parlamentin qe osht bo noter i rilindjes der ne ku kufi qesharake tip Gjuzi, e shpernda ate dhe cakto zgjedhje te reja te pergjithshme. Po e bon ket osht gjoja ma e mire per kombin. Do thot nanjoni se ka kushtetuta ket gjo. E drejta ecen kur koha qit problematika akute dhe kreu venit bon precedente ligjore te reja te cilat ma vone futen e bohen nene te kushtetutes. Ka rendsi qe precedenti te jet pozitiv e ne funksion te shetetit.

Alfons Malo14/06/2019 12:42

Sa me shpejt aq me mire

EF14/06/2019 12:35

Ore jeni ne vete ju....?!?!

t14/06/2019 12:18

Kush e ka kete tager per shperndarjen e parlamentit???

Shqiptari14/06/2019 12:10

Ky parlament nuk ka asnje deputet me integritet. Parlamenti eshte nje hale gjigande ku ka idiote, injorante, karagjoze lagjesh dhe pjesa tjeter jane buburreca, hajdute, servila, zvarranike, pythelepiresa te paskrupull, frikacake e burracake pa dinjitet e personalitet, ka lavire dhe prostituta morale dhe politike. Parlamentaret aktuale jane njeri me qesharak se tjetri, njeri me pisanjos se tjetri, njeri me legen se tjetri. Ata jane fytyra dhe pasqyra e ripjerdhjes! Te shperndahet urgjentisht!

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