Premier Rama writes to Basha, has no intentions to step down: I have obligations to those who made me Prime Minister

Premier Rama writes to Basha, has no intentions to step down: I have obligations to those who made me Prime Minister

09:00, 24/05/2019
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Albanian Premier Edi Rama has addressed a third public letter to Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha where he confirms his intention to stay in his post despite the huge opposition protests with the participation of tens of thousands of citizens.

Rama wrote again today after Basha responded to his second letter by saying the Albanian Prime Minister should have resigned twenty times considering his failures in governing the country and the links of his government to the organized crime. In the third letter, Rama considered exchanging public letters with Basha as an incentive for a political dialogue between the two.

The opposition has boycotted the parliament and the upcoming local elections and promised to not participate in every future election as long as Rama will be Prime Minister. Rama responded to this in the letter addressed to Basha saying he cannot step down because he has obligations to those who made him Prime Minister and repeated the election will go ahead as planned on June 30.

“You have no chance to stop June 30 from coming for those who want to vote. No chance to change the government without elections! No chance to stop the Socialist Party of Albania and myself to carry out the historic mission of Albania’s European transformation”, Rama wrote to Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha today.


Lexo edhe:


Bubi24/05/2019 16:23

Mire e ka, ka dertyrime ndaj krimineleve qe e sollen ne pushtet, ata nuk e len me ik!

gramoz24/05/2019 15:50

Ik o Edvero, ik e mos ja mo nkatunin ton! Ik o bur o bur o bur! Un e di qe ke me e bo 100,0 kur tket dal efekti vizes tret!

Shpellar cecen cetnik 24/05/2019 15:46

Vazhdon me shantazhe or PERBINDSH!!?? Si ka mundsi qe s’e kupton qe je i paligjshem!? Neveritesh cdo dite e ma shume deri ne urrejtje! “Pordha e madhe nxjerr ere shume te keqe”,thojme ne shpellaret.Hiq dore prej tyre!Do te ndihesh ma i qete. Dhe te sugjeroj te vizitohesh tek ndonje psikolog,sepse diagnoza e gjetur tek ti,te detyron te mos dalesh ne publik.Krijon rrezikshmeri per komunitetin brenda dhe jasht kufinjeve!Asht e vertete se mendjes nuk mund t’i flasesh,sepse ajo te ka shku per “lesh”,por fol me koken e vogel sepse ajo te jep nji dore!!??

N24/05/2019 14:58

Detyrim ndaj kujt ? Ndaj Dakos ? Po hik ere palaço se nuk e rruan njeri per Dakon. Madje sikur te binit te dy brenda ne nje qeli do te ishte arritja me e madhe per demokracine shqiptare.

Lali kurva24/05/2019 13:33

Ky eahte tamam Qenef mashkull doc I tha Haradinaj !

liu24/05/2019 10:31

Po ben pregatitjet ky qe si xhaxhi te botoje me vone librin me letra dhe kujtime nga koha kur ishte KM. Sa pe te qeverisur vendi i shkon ajo shprehja : Po me ke e ke mo..

albana24/05/2019 10:23

a ky eshte psikopat ne gjeneze....

edi palla24/05/2019 09:30

o pall ka.,,i

lushingabarbullushi24/05/2019 09:29

Po per cfare doni te flisni me Bashen? Kure ju e akuzoni per korrupsion e probleme te ndryshme... A mose valle po doni te bashkpunoni me nje njeri te ikriminuar ne probleme te ndryshme. Ose po trilloni?!

Shkodran24/05/2019 09:22

Hahahahahaha..... E ka tmerruar qendrimi i Doktorit mbreme tek Opinion. Si eshte jeta,ka pare emisionin deri ne fund dhe 0astaj ka marr nje cope leter dhe nje nga ato bojrat e tija dhe ka ndejt zgjuar gjith naten per te shkruar kete pacavure qe vetem leter dialogu nuk eshte,jan thjesht kundershtime te Bashes.... o Ram ik mor kaq e veshtire eshte mor kallam ta kuptosh...?.!

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