Opposition chief Basha warned Premier Rama the people will respond tit for tat: Either democracy, or death

Opposition chief Basha warned Premier Rama the people will respond tit for tat: Either democracy, or death

11:56, 28/03/2019
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha warned Premier Edi Rama that the countdown has started for his governance and the people will face him eye to eye and tit for tat. Basha responded to Rama’s threats last Saturday in the congress of the Socialist Party.

“Edi Rama, remember that your hours in that chair are ending and the people will respond eye to eye and tit for tat. We won’t be intimidated, we won’t back off. The battle will go on till the end; either freedom or death, either democracy or death”, Basha said in the protest today.

“We are determined to protect democracy, freedom, our homes. The first monopoly to be pulled down will be the monopoly of the state violence that arrests the protester and protects the mobsters”.

“Never again will we accept a façade democracy as we did not accept a façade parliament”

Basha also appealed to “all the honest Albanians and Socialist for a big national pact, for the transformation of Albania into a country like the rest of Europe”.

© SYRI.net

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