The Minister for the Diaspora says what can(not) be expected by possible negotiations between Rama and Basha

The Minister for the Diaspora says what can(not) be expected by possible negotiations between Rama and Basha

15:29, 01/03/2019
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The State Minister for the Diaspora said what could be negotiated between the government and the opposition should Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha accept Premier Edi Rama’s invitation.

Majko told media reporters they should not expect talks about a transitional cabinet to conduct snap elections.

Asked whether sides would welcome a possible intervention from President Ilir Meta, the former Prime Minister said it would be appreciated by all.

“Why shouldn’t President Meta negotiate? Anyone that promotes dialogue is welcome”, Majko said.


Lexo edhe:


Edlir Rameta01/03/2019 17:52

E para Makjo kushti i vetem i panegocueshem eshte largimi i Edvin droges ose edi potures,ky eshte kusht i panegocueshem dhe e dyta Majko mos bej nje gabim sikur te jesh ne fillimet e ruges politike kur ofron si negociator presidentin e vendit z.Iilr Meta,sepse e para presidenti eshte dhe bashkeshorti i Monikes dhe pra Majko perben konflikt interesi,gjithashtu. Edvin droga cfare nuke e ka "quajtur"presidentin e fundit fare ka qene akuza se Z.Meta eshte opozita e trete e vendit.Prandaj Pandi eshte e kote cdo perpjekje a perpelitje e Edvin droges te gjeje ndonje rruge te jete peap ai kryeminister,sa me shpejte Pandi qe ta pranoni ju socialistet te paret se qeverija e ripjedhjes se krimit,droges,korupsionit me ne krye Edvin drogmenin ka rene,aq me mire do jete per popullin,ne te kundert vendin do e fusni ne nje spirale te frikshme dhe kesaj radhe do jete pergjegjesia juaj pra e socialisteve.

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