Students record their conversation with Premier Rama: No reduction of tuition fees, not even in 30 years

Students record their conversation with Premier Rama: No reduction of tuition fees, not even in 30 years

15:03, 17/01/2019
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Thousands of students of the public universities in Albania continue their protests for lower tuition fees, better infrastructure and better quality of teaching. They have boycotted lessons till the government meets their demands.

A group of the rebelling students have called Premier Edi Rama and have recorder their conversation.

In the six-minute conversation, Rama not only swore and offended the students, saying “it’s an idiotic protest”, but he also told them there will be no reduction of tuition fees even if they spend 30 years protesting.


Lexo edhe:


fili18/01/2019 00:43

ky osht krye debili skizofren dhe idiot mo i modh qi ka pa historia

Albi17/01/2019 18:58

Hera e pare qe me vjen keq per Ramen dhe ja njoh veshtiresine ne pune, pavaresisht se ai ndoshta e shijon. Protesta qenka shnderruar ne karikature. Mu kujtua ajo shprehja" Po e pe shume gjate humneren ka rrezik te te shohe dhe ajo ty". Qenken bere me klloune se ai qe luftojne me pak fjale.

sela17/01/2019 18:01

Kjo eshte Rinia , kjo eshte koha e re qe politikanet jane larg ne mentalitet per tju pershtatur ! Mund te mares disa kokrra dhe ti besh FRESH !! Por genjen veten se nuk shkon me kjo shemtire ideologji korruptive te mbjelle nga partia komuniste -e punes .socialiste ! Nuk i duhet askujt me fjala e partise ! Degjojeni si flasin nuk duan tja dine me ke flasin nuk kane asnje komleks ! RAMA dhe te gjithe ata qe mendojne si RAMA ,JANE JASHTE LOJE ! RINIA ESHTE ZEMRA E SHQIPERISE !

someone17/01/2019 15:16

Mire po dhe aty kishte debile plot. Do ishte shume e habitshme qe kjo vajza qe thoshte mbylleni masterin, te vazhdoje ne te vertete masterin. Vetem qeshte si hajvane. Nese me gjithe mend duan te replikojne, atehere ta bejne njerez me mend ne koke, jo ajo!

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