Students’ presents to Premier Rama for Christmas: A pair of trousers and a copy of the Constitution

Students’ presents to Premier Rama for Christmas: A pair of trousers and a copy of the Constitution

12:47, 25/12/2018
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Albanian Premier Edi Rama has received two special presents from the students that have been protesting for more than two weeks now. The number of protesters has decreased due to the end of the year holidays, but a number of them continue to protest in front of Rama’s office, in Tirana’s main boulevard.

For Christmas they sent Rama a pair of trousers and a copy of the Constitution of Albania.

“We are giving you a pair of trousers in order to be more serious and the Constitution of the country in order to respect it”, the students said, referring to the baggy pants Rama often wears in public and ceremonies.

One of the students said the protest will grow to become massive again in January 7, the date when the school is planned to start again after the holidays.


    Lexo edhe:


    Qerimi28/12/2018 08:20

    Kjo Te len te kuptosh se Studentet u manipulun , Por a e din Studentet kush i manipuloj? as ket gje se din ! Sa te Rinj qe jan.

    Ajo25/12/2018 16:31

    Shume e vertete! Duket qe Rama duke luajtur rolin e budallait me takimet e inskenuara dhe totalisht i ndergjegjshem se studentet, nen efektin e adrenalines se protestes dhe problemeve reale qe perballojne, do “ guxonin” ta gozhdonin Ramen dhe ta turperonin publikisht. Rama si diabolik dhe i pacipe qe eshte, ” i lejoi” studentet te shfrynin zemerimin duke kujtur se ishin heronjte qe populli i admironte, por ne fakt ai fitoi kohe duke e zhvidhosur ngadualisht kapsulen shperthyese. Perfundimi? Studentet “ rebele” jane ne shtepi duke ngrene bakllava dhe Rama duket se ia hodhi paq edhe kete radhe.Turp per popullin shqiptar qe eshte shume larg civilizimit! Studentet ose te protestojne sic duhet duke kerkuar rrezimin e kesaj qeverie, ose te heqin dore prej ketij show te turpshem qe iu zbeh protesten qe nisi aq bukur.

    afrim 25/12/2018 13:51

    Tai po.Jeni bere tamam si "Mjaft" e Erion Velise ne fillimet e tij. U duket burra, qe do merrnit fatin e vendit ne duar, por dolet mjaftista. Nuk rrezohet rama dhe ligji i aresimit me buqeta me lule e pantallona

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