Opposition leader Basha warns the oligarch they will return all the money received from Rama’s government

Opposition leader Basha warns the oligarch they will return all the money received from Rama’s government

15:50, 03/12/2018
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha has warned the oligarchs that have received money from Edi Rama’s government in the form of concessions they will return it all to the Albanians.

“Who has received money from concessions will return it to the Albanians. This is our program, our promise. They have gone blind from their stealing. Just look at what they want to do in the new city ring”, Basha said.

“They want to steal €40 million and move the residents out of their own homes. There are hundreds of Leftists there, Socialists, but they don’t care, they’ve gone blind”.

© SYRI.net

Lexo edhe:


Mcedungu03/12/2018 17:19

Shko ne Parlament se po me duket e humbe te drejten me hy atje ,nuk te len Ruqi me hy hiq .

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