Premier Rama shows zero tolerance, calls the protesters to free the area and allow the demolition

Premier Rama shows zero tolerance, calls the protesters to free the area and allow the demolition

10:36, 21/11/2018
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Albanian Premier Edi Rama appealed to the residents of Astir area in Tirana to flee from the area and allow the development of the project. The residents have been protesting for more than two weeks now against the demolition of their houses to make space for the new city ring, requesting full compensation.

Rama spoke for the first time today about the protest, saying he will not accept to pay for the mess of the past years.

"If they have started the legalization process does not mean they are OK and will have it”, Rama said. “They have built houses without permission, what are they requesting a 100% compensation for? Based on what law? On what moral rights? From where? From the state budget, which is the contribution of all for schools, kindergartens, etc? Should we use that money to compensate the occupiers that have built houses in the area? Those people must leave the road they have blocked and open way to the development and do not shame themselves and their families, not become laughter and sacrifice themselves for the sake of the opposition”.

So, the Prime Minister showed zero tolerance to hundreds of families whose houses and livelihood will be destroyed and that have been protesting for more than two weeks now in their area and before the city hall.


    Lexo edhe:


    gramoz21/11/2018 15:56

    Shko vet personalisht ti nxjerresh nga shtepite ti o kryekurvi yne, ashtu si shkoni u puthni bythen kur kerkoni vota dhe u thoni qe shtepite edhe sikur te ngrihet enveri nga varri, nuk ja u prish dot. A nuk ju ke thene keshtu o kryekurvi yne?

    Edvun Brimeshpuari21/11/2018 15:50

    Sa bukur e vjedh Edvin pederasti kete milet. Njehere u nderton pallatin. U merr Sa frengu pulen per meter katror. Pastaj nuk I legalizon, u kerkon nga 30,000 Euro per legalizim. Kur shikon se ka dale nje deal me i mire me 18 milion euro metri katror per nje rruge te supozuar qe mund te kaloje aty. Tani nga premtimet per legalizim i vjedh prape duke jau prishur ate qe u shiti dhe qe ata e blene me gjak. Hajde edvun hajde po nga dole kaq I forte mor fekale komuniste. Nga ata vemje e merr pafytyresine te tallesh ne kete menyre se kur nuk u hoqen zvarre ne 91 u lumte bytha.

    Edvun Velakja21/11/2018 15:17

    Poshte dogmaxhiu, genjshtari, drogaxhiu, vrasesi, travestiti me I paskrupullt qe ka pare historia e Shqiperise pas enver never lugatit. Po pse I genjeve ata ne fushate o plere ? Apo ajo ishte loja o I pa moralshem qe nuk paske pat as fe as atdhe as gje prej gjeje ku te te kapesh o pusht! Rrumpallen e vjeter TI e krijove mor felliqesire. Ti i ndertove pallatet ne Tr kundrejt 20 per qindeshit e tani ben sikur na ke ardh nga Marsi si shpetimtar e nuk di gje ca kane bere te tjeret. Poshte edvin droga, poshte shitesit e shqiperise as e shiten jo e falen si bene baballaret e tyre ne Kosoven ne Camerine etj. Vdekje tradhetareve!

    Medlind21/11/2018 15:09

    Te gjitheve qe kane ndertuar ne TOKEN e tyre te kompensohen me cmimin e tregut 100 per 100; te gjithe te tjereve qe kane zbritur nga Fshati dhe Malsija, dhe kane ZAPTUE token dhe pronen e tjetrit apo te shtetit, te jua SHKERDHESH robt dhe me shume e penalizim Zhuli sic Zhgulen Dentisti Dhemballen e shendoshe; Keto VEPRA te qeverise me TY Kryeminister po i Pret krahehapur cdo QYTET ne SHQIPERI o EDI RAMA!

    kuti 21/11/2018 11:15

    Pse paska shtetdroga zyrana e instiuciorrama/

    qytetari21/11/2018 11:12

    Po pse e hapen kantierin dhe e prishen shqiponjen kur nuk kishte VKM per shpronesimet? Populli duhet t'i therras mendjes dhe duhet te mbeshtet keta banore, se neser radha do te vi tek sejcili prej nesh.

    Emigranti21/11/2018 11:05

    Hajde hape o drogmen po ta mbajti nuk do lejojme te na shkelni me kembe unazen coje nga sureli ketu rruga eshte e bere nuk do te leme te na shkaterosh pa te shkaterruar ty tradhtar ke shitur kombin shqiptar zhuku nje ore e me pare do te vrasin shqiptaret me gure.

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