LSI MP Panariti responds to European Commissioner Hahn’s appeal to the opposition to return to the parliament

LSI MP Panariti responds to European Commissioner Hahn’s appeal to the opposition to return to the parliament

14:29, 15/11/2018
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Former minister of Agriculture Edmon Panariti has commented the declaration of European Commissioner Johannes Hahn that the opposition should return to the parliament.

“The opposition is more interested than the majority in the dialogue and cooperation for the electoral reform, because an improved electoral system and a revised electoral code offer representation, transparence and a guaranteed power rotation, because the current opposition de facto is the majority”, Panariti wrote.

“However, it has no sense to build castles without cutting first the politic links with crime. The mob would laugh at us saying ‘OK, enter the elections first and then we’ll think to arrange things’”, the LSI deputy wrote on his Facebook page responding to Hahn’s declaration.




Lexo edhe:


krasasi tp15/11/2018 15:05

Inteligjenca Juaj(opozita) po i vendos edhe tavan edhe dysheme budallallikut Tone(qytetareve). 1.U bete pjese e qeverise(ndate pushtet) me mazhorancen per te mbikqyrur zgjedhjet. 2.I njofet zgjedhjet duke i votuar 7-0 KQZ, perfshi edhe perfaqesuesit e opozites. 3.gjate zgjedhjeve dhe pas tyre asnje komisioner i i niveleve te ndryshme te administrimit zgjedhor nuk pati kundershtime . 4.Mbledhje ,retorika politike,kontestime per manipulim te zgjedhjeve kane ardhur fal investigimeve dhe kundershtimeve te OSBE-ODIR , qytetareve ,politikane te veçante dhe disa gazetareve jashte "kazanit mediatik".Opozita eshte e perfshire dhe pjese e shahut politik. 5.O ne parlament,o ne krye te qytetareve per ta rrezuar qeverine, ose per ta detyruar mazhorancen per te ndryshuar Kryeministrin si shkaktarin e gjithe te keqijave, ose mos prisni qe luften per rrezimin e qeverise ta kryejne qytetaret ndersa ju ne bisht te situates, te shpifeni per te administruar pushtet. 6.Personalisht duke mos pasur asnje keqardhje dhe as ndonji pritshmeri nga kjo qeverisje, ju rekomandoj te ktheheni ne parlament sipasd rekomandimeve te partnereve nderkombetar.

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