Albanian meme artist's call: Let's turn to our country, not to wed or fill the teeth but to overthrow the thievery

Albanian meme artist's call: Let's turn to our country, not to wed or fill the teeth but to overthrow the thievery

11:03, 13/11/2018
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Genc Sejko has become an internet hit with his memes of strong political messages. The artistic creations of the Albanian immigrant in the United Kingdom very often are published in almost all Albanian online portals.

Sejko has turned into a “nightmare” for many politicians and some of them have sued him but that has not stopped him from exposing the ugly and ridiculous from the world of the Albanian politics.

Sejko has realized his memes are not enough to overthrow the Albanian corrupt and criminalized government and has called on all the Albanian emigrants to return for the holidays of the end of the year and gather to in front of the government’s seat against “bad governance, criminality, corruption and arrogance”.

“My friend Leandër Prifti and I have decided to pass the holidays of the end of the year in Albania. Since we come from UK and since we have no urge to wed (we’ve done that already) or teeth to fill, we decided to pass our holidays protesting in front of the Prime Minister’s building. We invite all our compatriots in the country and abroad to gather and protest against bad governance, criminality, corruption and arrogance. Who’s interested must comment here, not through private message. If you dare not comment, you dare not protest either”, Sejko wrote on his Facebook page.


    Lexo edhe:


    Daku14/11/2018 18:47

    Dhe une shume dakort

    Dilo13/11/2018 14:34

    Lum ajo nene qe te ka dhene gji ! Ky popull dele i Tiranes duhet te ngrihet i pari si ne cdo kryrqytet ne bote. Po nuk u ngrit Tirana kush do ngrihet ? Ngrihu o popull i ledhatuar i Tiranes se na mbyten drogaxhinjte e Rames

    t13/11/2018 13:15

    Me ne fund per thirrjre tilla ka nevoje ky popull dhe jo te tipit: "une i mbledh 10 mije protestues por nuk me len trump e merkel te rrexoj edin". Perpara se te protestohet ne dhjetor per rrezimin e rames,demokratet kane detyre te rrezojne lulin e te zgjedhin nje tjeter pa lidhje me te kaluaren dhe i gatshem per sakrifice,sepse koha po tregon se ky ferr qe ka pushtuar vendin ,nuk zhduket pa sakrifica

    Ajo13/11/2018 12:52

    Ju lumte Z.Sejko! Do deshiroja me gjithe zemer te isha edhe une bashke me ju duke protestuar kunder qeverise se krimit, vjedhjes dhe zvetenimit moral, por jetoj larg ne SHBA dhe nuk mundem dot te jem ne atdhe per festat e fundvitit. Por me zemer jam me ju, jam me gjithe ata shqiptare fatkeq qe sinqerisht nuk arrij dot ta kuptojne se si durojne ende poshterimin dhe varferimin ekstrem. Shpresoj se kur te vij per vizite ne vendim tim veren e vitit tjeter, Shqiperia te jete cliruar nga klika mafioze dhe te futet ne rrugen e pastrimit si te klases politike, por edhe te masave popullore nga lidhja me krimin dhe antiligjin. Shqiperia ka nevoje urgjente per nje rinjohje te vlerave morale, etike, kulturore dhe patriotike! Familja shqiptare, si qeliza esenciale e shoqerise, po peson shperfyterime morale. Shqiptaret kane nevoje te rigjejne vlerat morale dhe qytetare! Nese arrihet te shendoshet famijla, institucionet e edukimit, artit dhe media, shansi per te patur ne krye te vendit monstra si Rama do te zvogelohen shume! Mos harroni se ishte vota e shqiptareve, qe megjithese kishin njohuri se kush ishte Edi Rama, perseri e votuan dhe i la ne dore fatet e vendit. Dhe ky eshte problemi dhe mekati kolektiv!

    Maku13/11/2018 12:05

    Shune dakord me nismen e giximeshme

    Shto koment
