The situation at the General Prosecution office gets out of control

The situation at the General Prosecution office gets out of control

10:23, 21/09/2018
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One of the most trusted men of temporary General Prosecutor Arta Marku has stepped down from his post after he refused to investigate over ten of his colleagues at the Prosecution for Serious Crimes.

Sokol Stojani stepped down from his post as head of the Directorate of Inspection in the Prosecution Office.

However, the situation seems to be worse.

The ten prosecutors that have been put under disciplinary investigation have sued the temporary General Prosecutor and have requested the annulment of her order which they claim is out of her competences. 


Lexo edhe:


Bobi vl 22/09/2018 17:32

Arta eshte figure do te luftoj krimin po kush e le te shkreten sa ben nje gje opozita thot eshte e lidhur me krimin! Po vin votimet puno opozit se do fitoj prap Rama me kete mendje qe kini ju.

Shkodran21/09/2018 11:15

Eh qu dogje si figur moj e shkrete...

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