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Opposition chief Basha blames PM for the armed attack against the journalist: She exposed Socialist MP’s links to crime

Opposition chief Basha blames PM for the armed attack against the journalist: She exposed Socialist MP’s links to crime

14:59, 30/08/2018
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha blamed Albanian Premier Edi Rama for the attack on the investigative journalist Klodiana Lala, whose parents’ house was shot at with a barrage of AK-47 bullets last night. Basha said such an act is a consequence of Rama’s governance with crime.

The Democrat leader said Lala, a mother of two little daughters, has exposed recently the close links of the Socialist MP Jurgis Çyrbja to the infamous gang of Emiliano Shullazi.

"The armed attack against the journalist Klodiana Lala, which recently shed light on the close relations of Rama’s MP Jurgis Çyrbja with Emiliano Shullazi’s gang, is a telling example that crime feels untouchable. This is the ugly truth! The crime has been triumphing for five years because it co-governs along with Rama”, Basha told media reporters in a press conference after the attack became known.


Lexo edhe:


Asd31/08/2018 07:20

As me Ramen dhe as me Lulin e Berishen. Nuk jam me bandat e politikes. Shpresoj tek gazetaret. Ata i kane potencialet ti zgerdhijne keto banda te politikes, korrupsionit, vjedhjes, uzurpimit te vendeve te punes, vjedhjes se fondeve e taksave publike. Shpresoj qe gazetareve tu nxehet ca gjaku. Atehere do te kuptojne dhe zbulojne edhe ata vete cfare force fshehin. E fundit; nuk mjafton solidariteti me Klodin. Te tjere duhet te trimerohen e te dalin nga rreshti. Te gjithe nuk mund ti pushkatojne.

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