Democrat chief Basha instructs deputies on Tahiri’s case and the imprisoned protesters

Democrat chief Basha instructs deputies on Tahiri’s case and the imprisoned protesters

14:14, 30/04/2018
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha has instructed the Democrat Members of the Parliament to continue requesting the arrest of former Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri and the release of the arrested protesters.

The Democrat parliamentary group gathered today following the party’s National Convent where the new Statute was approved.

“Tahiri’s case must remain in the opposition’s political articulation”, Basha is quoted as saying to the Democrat deputies today.

“We cannot have a parliament with Saimir Tahiri free and the Kuksian protesters in jail”.

Debates continued today as well, with former chairman Eduard Selami’s speech whistled from the audience.


Lexo edhe:


Daj Jaku30/04/2018 16:30

Urdhëri i Bashës ishte...... Urdhërat i jepen ushtarëve ose skllevërve o dele, ose bythlëpirësve të turmës servile. As Enveri nuk shprehej me "urdhëra" por me "porositë e partisë" ndaj "shokëve" komunistë dhe popullit. Kurse ky Lulboshi, totalisht i "dhjerë", na jepka edhe urdhëra "gjasme demokratëve të lirë", në një vënd "gjasme demokratik. Ku e lamë e ku na mbeti?

someone30/04/2018 14:42

E pse duhet te merrni pjese ne seance? Pff jeni te shpifur shume, jeni thjesht paterice e Rames. Po te mos kishte Bashen perballe Rama, do i kishte mbylle hesapet shume me pare. Shume me shume opozite bejne qytetaret e thjeshte sesa ju! Ju jeni te gjithe bashke te perlyer. Turp t'ju vije!!!

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