Former MoJ Manjani says the youth needs knowledge, not ‘filth like gay marriages, euthanasia and drugs’

Former MoJ Manjani says the youth needs knowledge, not ‘filth like gay marriages, euthanasia and drugs’

10:20, 22/03/2018
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Former Minister of Justice Ylli Manjani has called on the Albanian youth to refuse the invitations for debates over such topics like gay marriages, euthanasia and drugs legalization, sent – according to him – by the US Embassy and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

“Gay marriages, euthanasia, drugs legalization, and filth like that are being taught to the youth today”, Manjani writes on his Facebook page.

“The US Embassy and the Soros’ Foundations are the organizers of these debates for the youth. With all the due respect for the organizers, I do not find this educative at all. The youth need to educate themselves by going to school to learn about the normal or what is regular and legal. They need to fill their minds with knowledge not a…! Should they listen to me, those young people that are invited to the lesson of filth must refuse the participation. Refuse it by thanking the organizers for this unasked for “contribution”. They’d better stay in the coffeehouses”.


    Lexo edhe:


    Onkezmi23/03/2018 03:01

    Te gjitha keto vese i gjen tek rilindasi i famshem Ra-ma...

    D22/03/2018 14:26

    Synimi I edukimit eshte avancimi I diturise dhe perhapja e te se vertetes kurse ne shqiperi veprohet krejt e kunderta ,synohet edukimi degjenerues dhe shkatrimtare per njeriun.KJO eshte jo normale dhe ofendim per shqiptaret.

    qytetar22/03/2018 11:02

    Thene shume qarte dhe drejt. Mendoj se kur te ngopemi me gjerat normale mund te kerkojme ato anormale. Ne, kur them ne, shqiptaret ne pergjithesi, akoma kemi barkun thate, te uritur per buke, e disa kerkojne te na mbushin mendjen me gjera, qe as nuk na bie ndermend, jo me ti deshirojme. Nese Sorosi ka djalin e tij gay, nuk ka pse te na beje konferenca per te na mbushur mendjen se ato jane gjera normale. Pse Sorosi nuk ben konference per martesat burre-grua, per familjen tradicionale, se me gruan e tij e kane bere djalin, nuk besoj se e ka bere me ndonje burre tjeter? Sa per eutanazine, me keto politika qe po behen sot, shume po shkojne vete drejt vetevrasjes, e nuk kane nevoje per eutanazi, me kete rast kursejne edhe ato 'ilace' qe do te duhen per t'a cuar dike ne boten tjeter ligjerisht. Sa per legalizimin e drogava, me aq sa eshte mbjellur e korrur, mendoj se de facto eshte e legalizuar, sa per de jure, nuk i hyn kujt ne pune. Respekte Z.Manjani.

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