A Z-shaped slap on the voting ballot

A Z-shaped slap on the voting ballot

By Nga Poli Hoxha - 03/06/2017

On Goethe’s “Faust” the title character, honoured by his people for wanting to free them from the chains of ignorance and poverty, was unsatisfied with the limitations he had for changing the reality. Despite the difficulties, he was determined in his right path. That’s why he was loved and created big expectations. He was the idol and spirit of the abused, until the day when Mephistopheles made a bet with the Lord to test Faust how determined he was not to deflect from his path.

In one of his daily walks with Wagner, a “suffering” dog follows Faust. As an idealist and generous man, he takes the dog at his home. The dog was Mephistopheles himself, who later asked Faust to sign an agreement if he’d like to be together forever. According to the agreement, Mephistopheles promised to serve Faust in this world to help an illuminate the people; in exchange Faust will be Mephistopheles’ servant in the world after death.

After Faust signed the agreement, thinking he was sacrificing his second life, the future, for the sake of the present and the people that adored him, Mephistopheles took him to a bar where he showed him what the “real life” is actually and that the big ideals are just an empty spoon for the silly dreamers.

Later, Mephistopheles took Faust by hand to the bar’s dungeon, where he gave him to drink the elixir of life, so that he could enjoy the most material pleasures and benefits.

This genial fable of Goethe has often come to my mind after the agreement Basha-Rama. Its pragmatism, which accompanied the closure of the cause for free elections and the overthrow of the system that tired this country for 27 years, is one that recalls Mephistopheles elixir.

Unknown remain the real reasons why Basha drank it in the “dungeons” of the Parliament, but one thing is sure now: the benefits, the goods of the real life are guaranteed, who knows for how much longer. The fight now is only for the quantity and quality of the delivery of these “satisfactions of life”. The future in “paradise” was sold and those who believed that “Faust” would build a giant dam to change once and forever this land poisoned by the rogue, find themselves as dazed hens.

The spirit spread for three months by The Tent reduced to a battle of lists and come-and-debate-on-TV-if-you’re-brave-enough challenges. As for the Old Republic, it was re-baptized as the Republic of Wordplays.

The last point of the agreement was a decoy for the “Fausts” who still have dilemmas or still refuse to accept that it all was a bargain-game.

“The parties promise cooperation after the elections to draw the Constitutional Reform, the Electoral Reform, including the use of electronic technology”, it says.

Promise? Who are these parties that are making promises? The ones that only 24 hours before the handshake swore to Albanians that would make the other disappear from political scene as the biggest evil?!

No deadline for these reforms. Zero details on what patterns and principles will be fulfilled.

This mist left deliberately for the core of what made the people dream is making possible that for the first time in the country’s pluralist history the elections day is approaching under an atmosphere of confusion and disappointment. The battle of the radical changes has reduced in a scene where two big ones have put a smaller cockle in the middle and are taking away the fat they helped him add in eight years; to return him at their enormous bellies’ wrinkles.

In such a situation, suddenly, just like a lightning from a clear sky, Koço Kokëdhima appeared with a proposition to the dazed hens-militants, idealists, skeptics, the disappointed and the dilemmatic. He offers an alternative to the voting people against this political class that continues to mock endlessly.

“I ask all the people that are obligated to go to the elections to put a big Z across the voting ballot. A Z that covers the whole ballot. A Z that stands for many names, like Zero (zero), Zuzar (scoundrel), Zullumqar (wrongdoer), Zagar (hound dog), etc. Someone may read it as Zorro. I’d suggest you read as ZGJIDHJA (The Solution – Kokëdhima’s political movement). A full Z on the voting ballot to make it worthless. Let them give a vote of refusal and a vote of protest”, Kokëdhima proclaimed his alternative that apparently the majority of Albanians are considering these days.

I’d add to turn off the phones for the parties’ coordinators, which don’t know how to leave when they get stuck to you like shit to the shoe; to stay indoors, watch a movie with their children or turn the Sunday of June 25 in a relaxing hike.

Kokëdhima proposes a big Z on the parties’ logos in the ballot papers, a Z like Zero, Zuzar (scoundrel), Zullumqar (wrongdoer), Zagar (hound dog) or Zorro. It could be also a big M for Mosmirënjohës (ungrateful), H like Hajdut (thief), K like Kriminelë and Të Korruptuar (criminals and corrupt) or a very big ZH all over the page like Zhdukuni (get lost!).

According to the official figures from the Central Electoral Commission (KQZ), only 47% of the voters took part in the mayoral elections of 2015, or 200 thousand voters less than in the general elections of 2013.

Kokëdhima’s movement, a Z-shaped slap on the ballot paper has been applying for some time now from people, in an unorganized way. Elections after elections, people refuse this political class in their individual ways.

Whether with a Z or ZH on the ballot paper; staying home or taking a walk like in any other day off, they are the majority.

However, after June 25, this slap must be read in the right way, because by all odds it will be a hurricane. When Rama and Basha get reminded for the new Constitution, this “vote” must be included there, in a simple article:

“The elections in which over 50% of electors refuse to vote or damage the voting ballots, are considered as failed and worthless. They do not represent the majority of the people, period!”.


    © SYRI.net

    Lexo edhe


    SHKODRA05/06/2017 07:23

    Durim se po vjen!

    krasasi tp04/06/2017 12:56

    Tradita, ju e keni sigurisht me brendine, e jo me gjatesine.Kur une qe prej tre vjetesh postoja komente duke qene ne krah te opozites,ju, nuk ju bezdiste as gjatesija e as brendija.Une i bije gjate se jam budalla dhe nuk i koncentroji dot mendimet si ju.Jam ne "profesion" te lire shoku dhe shkruaj si mendoj.Jo partite, por "syri.net" mund te me kufizoj.

    Arber04/06/2017 11:27

    Kohet e deshperuara kerkojne zgjidhje te deshperuara. Eshte e vetmja gje qe mund te beje ky popull te bojkotoje votimet.

    edvin04/06/2017 04:56

    100 vjet "pavarsi",100 vjet te veteburgosur!Nuk qeveriset mire nje vend,as si Shqiperia,me lider "Made in Osmanllia";"Made in Italia";"Made in Farnce";Made in Ygoslavia";"Made in China" apo "Made in Pordhikali"!
    Bejme mire qe te veteshpallemi protektoriat i USA-s apo i Kuvajtit,se vetem ne keto rrethana,shqiptaret mund te zhdukin egon personale,per pasuri te trashegueshme e te mjaftueshme edhe ne boten tjeter.

    Tradita04/06/2017 04:25

    Krasas nga Tepelena, beji komentet pak me te shkurtera se nuk kemi nge te lexojme budallalleqet e tua.

    Tiku04/06/2017 02:07

    Autori Poli Hoxha, me sa e kam ndjekur une ne shume media ku ka shkruar e ka drejtuar, ka mbajtur gjithmone qendrime te forta kunder te gjitha paleve. Ka shkruar zakonisht kunder cdo qeverie. Ketu te Syri vitin e fundit ka bere analizat me te sakta per te zberthyer Rilindjen. Shume kohe me perpara opozites kur kjo flinte gjume. Shkrimet e tij dhe te syrit ne pergjithesi, kane qene baza e artikulimit te Bashes ne Cader. Eshte normale te jene te zhgenjyer si vajten punet dhe kjo ska lidhje me lista e deputetllek. Edhe ideja e refuzimit te ketyre zgjedhjeve eshte ne linjen qe ai dhe syri ka qene gjithmone. Ajo qe ka ndryshuar eshte linja e Bashes. Edhe rama njesoj eshte sic ka qene dhe ashtu paraqitet edhe ne kete shkrim...kthjellohuni, urime autorit.

    krasasi tp03/06/2017 20:06

    O Tradita.Po cfare thua o tu befsha.Po pse amerikanet e detyrojne L.Bashen te beje qeveri te perbashket me E.Ramen.Amerikanet vleresuan PD per dekriminalizimin, antikanabizimin dhe luften kunder korrupsionit dhe rekomanduan futjen ne zgjedhje se ne te kundert Ne "do ti njohim zgjedhjet".Po pse amerikanet i thane z.Basha te beje nje liste per deputet pa pj..ur per "njeri" mjafton qe ate ta miratoj z.Rama.Po pse amerikanet e instruktojne z.Basha qe ashtu si ne 2008, te komplotojne kunder LSI dhe te bejne ndryshime ,per ta definuar Reformen ne Drejtesi ne nje seksion te te dy te medhenjve e per te rujt b...en e tyre e klientelat respektive.Qeveri PS+PD si ne Gjermani, ha..ha..ha,per te realizuar Jugosllavine e RE me Shqiperine aneks ku "miqte" serbe do na mesojne se si te ndertojme shtet, ne shkembim te nja dy rrugeve qe do ti financojne flekeshtejnet, vlautinckat e kocijancinckat e vari lesht ketij projekti.Ketij projekti do ja japin shuplaken e pare vlonjatet, duke e lene z.Rama i listuar i 6-ti , jashte parlamentit shqiptar.Jam shume kurioz te shikoj nese z.Rama do mbledh grate dhe vajzat e Vlores dhe ashtu si u shpreh ne nje takim ne nje qytet, e tu thote "sdi nga ti hedhesh syte me pare", fasadat dhe batutat nuk do ta mundesojne krijimin e nje qeverije fasade.Vlonjatet shajne babain nga nena, po tu shesesh po...dh, e po tu mundohesh tu shesesh sapunin per djath.

    Lesh Arapi03/06/2017 18:12

    Ky Kokedhima si ka mbiemrin mut nxjerr nga goja.....

    Demokrati03/06/2017 17:59

    Ah keto listat! Te gjithe keta opinionistet nuk po kuptojne se cfare po ndodh. Jane te coroditur. Kane mbetur shume mbrapa. Kujtonin se duke shkruar ne perkrahje te ndonje partie, do te futeshin ne listat per deputete te asaj partie. Ah keto listat! Na i terbuan opinionistet. E ka mire Basha qe kerkon ti zhduke keto listat e qelbura me kushtetute. Nese duan opinionistet te behen deputete le te provojne sa u vlen lekura e te zgjidhen nga populli e jo nga listat e kryetareve.

    Soll Lili03/06/2017 17:23

    Ik beji shurren baçes(LSI) tani. Heren tjeter ne liste edhe ti

    KOMENTUESI03/06/2017 17:03

    Nje sugjerim per shokun Poli : Ne se e ke tendin " prpozimin " e " Z " ne fleten e votimit , ngrihu heret ne mengjez , shko e voto i pari , fotokopjoje fleten tende te votimit , postoje ne " F "qe te jeshe i besueshem per ate qe thua , sepse mos po ben sic thote nje fjele e urte : " Beni sic them une e mos beni si bej une " Per " shkelje te ligjit , ja vlen te " denohesh " per " KAUZEN "e madhe " qe po mbron , sepse ne kete menyre do te mbahesh mend si Don Kishoti i shkullit 21.

    Tradita03/06/2017 16:54

    eshte e pakuptueshme se sa shpejt ndryshoj politika editoriale pas publikimit te listave ne kete gazete qe ishte me opoziten. Puna juaj. Sa per marreveshjen Basha ishte i detyruar nga amerikanet. Kot maskoheni pas saj. Dikush nga ju ose disa nuk jane ne lista per deputet. Kjo eshte e gjitha. Politika dhe interesi nuk eshte vetem deputetlleku se 50-60 jane te shkretet. Politika eshte shume me e gjere.

    Jana03/06/2017 16:50

    "...Ku is he zotrote bej efendi...''a besohet ''vllau''Koco???

    tosi03/06/2017 16:23

    autori drejt e ka ,por harron se ne votim mund te mos shkojne ose te prishin fleten e votimit ne pergjithsi ata qe kane mbeshtetur te djathten dhe qe jane zhgenjyer,kurse ata qe kane mbeshtetur te majten shkojne ne zgjedhje si ne kohen e komunizmit .pevc kesaj ka mundesi qe nje pjese e te zhgenjyerve te pd mund te vazhdojne te shkojne te votojne per lsi sic bene ne zgjedhjet e fundit

    Miri03/06/2017 16:18

    Poli nuk e di arsyen e vertete ??? Po qe presioni amerikan mbi Bashen o Pol . O Poli shume mire po e ndihmon ramen dhe meten .

    Muzapopullore03/06/2017 16:13

    E hidhur po e vertetë. Këto zgjedhje duhen perfundimisht te behen te pavlefshme.

    Jimmy !03/06/2017 16:10

    Me duket se propagandon Kocon , mundesh por beje ndershmerisht e jo me Faust !

    Muzapopullore03/06/2017 16:00

    E hidhur po e vertetë. Këto zgjedhje duhen perfundimisht te behen te pavlefshme.

    Artion03/06/2017 15:48

    Bravo! Duhen refuzuar dhe prishur flete e votimit. Koha ka vertetuar se ky popull nuk ngrihet. Te pakten te "protestoje" duke ndejtur ne divan me femijet dhe mos perdoret me si kavje nga miliarderet e politike.

    Shto koment
