Who is not biting Rama’s bait

Who is not biting Rama’s bait

By Astrit Patozi - 01/06/2017

The legend of a big post-elections coalition is standing in the center of the underground campaigns of the three biggest parties in the race while the first week is closing since the Democratic Party (PD) decided at last to join the battle. It’s quite clear and visible this fable, ubiquitous today in Albania, as much in terrain as in the mediatic platforms or screens, has been created and fed everyday by Edi Rama, who is the only beneficiary of its effects.

The Prime Minister, who stayed in office thanks to an agreement that was introduced as an abundant toleration to the opposition, is trying to consolidate the perception that PS and PD have agreed to to be together in a non-technical government after June 25. Co-governance in the big coalition is the most popular sport today in the capillary campaign of the parties, but its biggest negative echo comes from the comments and analyses of Tirana’s media.

Why do I say Edi Rama is the creator and the only beneficiary of this dirty game with the elections, which intents to replace the possible loss that could be caused to his pre-electoral calculations by the partial incapability to steal or buy the votes after the agreement? Because, by creating the fake idea of a long-term political détente in Albania, Edi Rama is trying to kill two birds with one stone, damaging simultaneously the plans and electoral power of both the Democratic Party and the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI).

By one hand, the big coalition decided beforehand on the table between Basha and Rama discourages the Democrats campaign, because their expectations for the elections result were quite different before the agreement. I insist that it was the worst approach that can damage irreparably the use of the real capacities of the Democratic Party in the function of the result of the June 25 elections.

A co-governance PD-PS by the other hand would also blow up LSI’s expectations to be again a kingmaker in the new government, which was the only generator of its campaigns, at least in the last two elections. Being caught by surprise, the party of Ilir Meta with Petrit Vasili as chairman is visibly in difficulty to adopt to find another winning strategy. The time at disposal is not enough but it is also unaccustomed to live far from power, without which it finds it impossible to keep the rapport of direct clearing it has with its voters.

How are the two Rama’s targets reacting to this poisoned political bait? LSI is trying to give the impression it is undisturbed by this game of the Socialist Party, by blowing deliberately its dimensions and introducing itself as a real pretender to be the first force in the elections of June 25. In my opinion this constrained effort and far from the truth makes it ridiculous and instead of covering it uncovers more Ilir Meta’s difficulties in this election. Regardless the fact I do not care much about LSI’s political fate, I think they did the worst choice to respond to Rama’s cybernetic attack. Consequently, it is very probable it will reflect in the final result.

Unlike Ilir Meta, PD has chosen to protect itself from this diversion by distancing publicly from the eventuality of a big coalition, the idea of which would melt away the energies of the Democrats in the campaign. Lulzim Basha has repeated many times strongly that will be no bargain with Edi Rama and LSI, vanishing any other voice, either peripheral or central of the opposition, that still blows this legend with destructive consequences. I have the conviction this is the best and only way for the Democratic Party to keep not only the campaign’s rhythm but also its goal to win on June 25.

    © SYRI.net

    Lexo edhe


    Irena isufi02/06/2017 15:36

    Me kane pelqyer gjithmon analizat dhe qendrimet e zotit Patosi meriton respekt .Keshtu vashdo se nuk ke per te humbur.

    dikush02/06/2017 13:39

    Ky eshte qendrimi qe duhet te mbaje cilido politikan i perkushtuar per kauzen demokratike te PD. Do te ishte nje dem i madh per kete kauze, qe pikerisht ne nje situate te tille qe lideri socialist u detyrua qe te ngreje duarte larte e te dorezoje me shume se gjysmen e qeverise, nje muaj para zgjedhjeve, te plase grindja mbrenda PD per qejfmbetje listash per deputete.
    Per mendimin tim, nuk do ishte keq qe me kushtetute ne Shqiperi, si nje rast specifik ku nuk po funksionon perzgjedhja e politikaneve me te mire, deputetet maksimalisht mund te qendroni ne kete detyre deri ne dy mandate. Kjo praktike te vazhdonte sepaku per dy dekada, derisa institucionet e larta legjislative e ekzektutive shqiptare, t'ju afrohen modeleve te demokracive te konsoliduara perendimore. Nuk eshte e thene qe ndonje politikan duhet patjeter qe te jete deputet, per te kontribuar ne ndertimin e nje shteti ligjor. Ka nga ata politikane qe nuk para ja thone si oratore per te debatuar ne parlament, por qe kane aftesi profesionale menazhuese ne fusha te tjera te institucioneve shteterore.

    osumi01/06/2017 21:19

    Mario si pak e veshtire te ndodhe kjo qe thua ti. E ben balte te gjithe te paperfshiret ne lista zor te zbuten demokratet

    arjani01/06/2017 20:55

    Bravo Astrit ,kontribo per p d ashtu si ke punuar dhe patjeter do te vije dita qe do te jesh ne rangjet me te larta te qeverisjes,je i ri mos i humb shpresat se jemi ne demokratet qe do ta kerkojme me force.

    Ajo01/06/2017 20:08

    Plotesisht dakord me analizen tuaj Z. Patozi, por jam e trishtuar se me qendrimin tuaj te meparshem ju e demtuat kauzen e PD-se. Por me mire vone se kurre!

    Rita01/06/2017 19:25

    Bukur e komenton. Nuk duam kurre te largohesh nga ne.

    Ismail01/06/2017 19:19

    Bravo Tito...je njeri I respektuar

    pp01/06/2017 19:03

    Meriton post te larte shteteror.respekte.

    De oppresso liber01/06/2017 18:27

    Patozi je dhe do jesh gjithmone demokrati jone

    Baci01/06/2017 18:12

    Ujku, ujku, kur ujku vajti me te vertete nuk u sul askush te ndihmonte..!

    braho01/06/2017 17:12

    Analize shume e sakte nga ana e Patozit.

    mario01/06/2017 17:06

    bravo Astrit ti do ta kesh gjithmone vendin ne mesin e demokrateve.ti ke qene dhe do jesh gjithmone i joni pa asnje dyshim.

    Shto koment
