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PIRANJAT/ Me Florian Binaj dhe Dojna Mema

An historical objective: The removal and punishment of Edi Rama

An historical objective: The removal and punishment of Edi Rama

By Kastriot Islami - 04/09/2020

1. Rama weaker than ever, he is "preparing" the tricks for the next election campaign… From opinion polls, but not only, the failure is politically and mathematically certain - and since everyone is against a third mandate of Rama’s Renaissance it is certain that Rama will not be prime minister for the third time… He himself knows this and accepts it… BUT? (it should be borne in mind that there is a big "but")…

2. Above all, the opposition must fight hard to make this "popular" will a reality… But this is not enough… Rama and the dome of his sect, in addition to being removed, must be severely punished and this must be declared.

3. The opposition as a whole, not even any of the opposition, should think of compromising with this "historic" objective: removal and punishment… Despite the fact that one may get the impression that with Rama failed and afraid of punishment, the battle for dismantling will be very difficult… at a very high cost… So no one should be "heard" who thinks that Rama should be given something because this way it is easier to dismantle and should not be "mixed" the dismantling with punishment ...

4. I think that compromising with Rama to forgive the deeds in exchange for the "easy" departure would be a fatal and historical mistake, not only is it immoral, but it will result in a dangerous and dysfunctional approach…!

5. Rama has shown several times that through deception and begging he tries to pass the danger and then launches an attack, but this is not essential. It is essential that "in Albania, impunity must end once and for all so that the deeds of the next government are not repeated…". If what happened for 5 thousand years will happen this time as well, it is very likely that the country will sink into anarchy and chaos… Because there is always an end… and this time it seems to be the last ..

6. Our country is continuing to sink from crisis to deeper crisis because it lacks punishment. In other words, the next thief and criminal disguise the former thief and criminal, and the atrocities and deeds are turning into a model of governance and success or a "national sport".

7. Moreover, to the citizens, these predators have inculcated in their minds the saying that "the biggest scandal does not last more than three days…" because the next scandal comes that covers the previous scandal, and no one is punished…! This vicious circle must end because otherwise fatality seems inevitable…!

8. Honest people, professionals and intellectuals, powerless to adapt to the approach that "the next scandal masks the previous scandal, or the next thief masks the previous thief and no one is punished and only the honest suffers" are forced to leave and so the country is losing its "brain" and its "morality" is being severely damaged…

9. The opposition and honest citizens should know well and be convinced of what Rama is preparing.

10. Rama continues to be determined in his folly and perversion and his idiotic conviction that he can escape punishment .. And for this he starts from the "assumption" that the opposition is still weak and fragmented, and has no guts to do fierce battle and secretly spread news that the opposition or a part of it is ready to compromise with him in order to gain power by not punishing him through a compromise, "leaving as a guarantee" the position of the President…

11. Based on this approach, Rama, on the other hand, is taking all measures 1) to prevent the victory, at least the deserved, clear and substantial victory of the opposition that turns it into a clear governing force; and 2) consequently, if this happens, to force the opponents to negotiate with him his impunity and the dome of his sect… aiming for the position of President of the Republic through which he thinks he would ensure his and the dome's inviolability near but also of their illicit assets… with the hope that in the near future they will have an opportunity for a "glorious" or even "nostalgic" return ..

12. Consequently, all his actions, or all the upheavals / rapprochements he is doing recently in the Renaissance meetings, aim to restore in charge of the regions or affairs in the party and government, the same trusted people of the sect of that in reality are the same individuals involved in the looting of national and private property and joint actions with criminals and traffickers to vote buying and threatening voters… Because he thinks that by fighting for themselves they will enable the achievement of his personal goal, escape from punishment… without caring of what could happen to all these "collaborators" from his bargains. Because at the end, for his safety he is ready to hand  them over…

13. This is already apparent and clear to anyone who has a little common sense and a minimum of honesty; no one should have the slightest doubt, despite the feverish propaganda of deceptions and lies or masks that will use the head of the sect that Rama is thinking only of his "mind" and is ready not only to beg and jag with any of the opposition but also to threaten and make the sovereign with the internationals is enough to escape punishment even in exchange for the surrender of all collaborators he has put at the forefront of the battle to re-expose them… And for this, as a coward and who does not believe anyone, thinks that the only guarantee of security for personal impunity is the capture of the position of the President…
September 3, 2020


Lexo edhe


Arditi04/09/2020 16:35

Bravo 'Emri" eshte e vertete se Rama nuk ka qene asnjehere i lumtur... sepse as vete nuk e di se cfare do dhe cfare kerkon. Ai do te ndjehet sic e meriton vetem kur te largohet nga karrikaj dhe kur te ndeshkohet sic thote profesori e ndoshta kur ti sekuestrohen pasurite e paligjshme duke nisur nga surreli.

Emri04/09/2020 12:50

Se cka nje gje qe sshkon ne foton lart ! Ky person nuk duket keshtu ! Pastaj , ky qe ka dale ketu ska qene asnjehere i lumtur !

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