Our National Security is in serious danger

Our National Security is in serious danger

By Bujar Nishani - 01/03/2018

A record quantity of 615 kilos of cocaine was seized in Albania yesterday. A load surveyed and followed during all its trajectory of movement Colombia-Malta-Italy with destination Albania from world’s most powerful anti-drugs agency, DEA.

Almost simultaneously, considerable quantities of cannabis with Albanian origin were seized in Italy and Greece.

The amount of money from these loads only goes over $1 billion.

Big money, to buy everything!

Power, weapons, presence, shield, continuity!

Albania’s transformation in the base destination of storage of cocaine from the South America, its processing and then delivery in the Western Europe has exposed each and every one of us to a great danger, even for our lives.

The main responsible persons for this situation hurried to deflect it into “the extraordinary success” that the container was seized.

The first information shows the receivers of the container have received previously from the same destination nearly 100 other loads.

None of them was controlled.

If only one in ten had a cocaine load, can you imagine the quantity that has come to and later delivered from Albania?

Who has studied carefully Mafia’s physiognomy knows that such a load worth hundreds of millions is never moved without strong guarantees with absolute power to ensure the success of the transaction.

A load worth hundreds of millions is never moved without testing first successfully with smaller quantities that increase progressively.

Why are we allowing them to destroy our country like this, turning us all into the masks of the narco bosses?

Albania is being transformed from Europe’s granary of cannabis into the Mediterranean trampoline of cocaine!

It’s a good think the container was seized in the harbor. Applauds!

But February 28 now has been stuck like a nail.

State Police and the Prosecution now have one of the biggest proofs in their hands to discover in details the criminal group that was receiving the load, the one that would process it and the one that would make the delivery to the West.

The will have to tell us who the guarantors of such a huge criminal transaction are.

This file can neither be forgotten nor become thinner.

Otherwise, the responsibility would be huge.

The cocaine bosses will try to paint with the rainbow colors the killer white of the cocaine.

But we, the citizens, should not be affected by such a brainwashing action.

Today, Albania’s National Security is in danger.

It’s the danger that comes under the command of billions of dirty money of the dirty white cocaine.

Billions that easily buy all kinds of offices in a country that only formally is called democratic.

Dirty billions that buy votes and the political power.

Then, with it, they own the economic power.

Then, with it, they control the media power.

Then, with it, they subordinate the power of justice.

Definitely, all is bought!

Bought with cocaine.

That’s why our security is in danger!

When the security of the citizens of a country is massively in danger, the whole National Security is threatened.

*Mr. Bujar Nishani is a former President of Albania

    © SYRI.net

    Lexo edhe


    L01/03/2018 18:48

    Po vriten me mijera njerez me droge dhe me hashash ne keto sasi te konsiderueshme .C fare po behet keshtu.Po vriten njerez te pafajshem dhe po shkatrohet rinia .Kjo eshte masaker kjo eshte genocid.A ka shqiperia njerez te pergjegjshem , a ka intelektuale cfare po bejne pse nuk reagojne . a e dine se kemi te gjithe pergjegjesi dhe do ti v uajme keto nga mosreagimi dhe nga indeferenca.po shkojme drejt shkatrimit si komb.Te reagojme sa me shpejt para se te shkatrohemi se pergjegjesia do te jete shume e madhe.Shpresa nuk vdes kurre.

    gramoz01/03/2018 15:52

    Kush ja jep garancine bandave te droges? Pergjigja eshte shume e thjeshte zoti president, Ed droga eshte porositsi, Olsi transportusi dhe lavatriçja lali plera nga ura vajgurore.

    Askushi 01/03/2018 15:49

    Shume koh me pare, e kam thene dhe vazhdoj te theme se shqiperija eshte ne gremin. vendi do te shenderrohet ne kolumbin e europes. nese nuk ka njeres qe reagojn, pragu i katastrofes eshte prane.

    Askushi01/03/2018 14:01

    i dashur dhe i respektuar ish presidenti im. une kam shume koh qe kam thene se shqiperija eshte ne buze te gremines......

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