Albania will shut down schools as of December 1 to prevent coronavirus spread

Albania will shut down schools as of December 1 to prevent coronavirus spread

14:43, 25/11/2020
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Albania will start to shut down schools as of December 1 in efforts to prevent the coronavirus spread in the country. Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu said the majority of schools will start online lessons starting from next month.

“We have repeated continuously the children’s health comes first. Children have not been important transmitter of the virus so far. The protocols in the school have been applied, but, in order to minimize the risks, considering other respiratory infections too, we have decided to the Ministry of Education to apply the scenarios of combined online and in-class lessons, starting on December 1”, said the minister.


Lexo edhe:


altini25/11/2020 18:45

Meqe nuk vleresohen si rrezik infeksioni, atehere perse po i mbyllni shkollat? Kane mbetur ne vend, ende njerez qe kane llogjike dhe nuk kane lindur skerkave nga i merrni ju rilindasit e shekullit XXI taborrin e servileve qe ju rrethojne.

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