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PIRANJAT/ Me Florian Binaj dhe Dojna Mema

Coronvirus update, 25 new case, 634 in total, 27 deaths in Albania

Coronvirus update, 25 new case, 634 in total, 27 deaths in Albania

11:14, 22/04/2020
A+ Aa A-

The coronavirus continues to spread in Albania with 25 new cases in the last 25 hours. The Ministry of Health reported 252 persons have taken the test, out of which 25 were infected. 18 cases were reported in Kruja, 3 in Tirana, 2 in Elbasan, 1 in Shkodra and Kurbin.

So far, 6229 have taken the test, with a total of 634 positive cases. Currently there are 251 infected persons. A 71-year-old man died in Tirana in the last 24, bringing the total to 27. The ministry reported the deceased had other pathologies, diabetes and cardiovascular problems among them.

On the good side, 11 patients have recovered, bringing the total to 356. The infected persons in Berat, Lezha, Mirdita, Rrogozhina and Tropoja have all recovered, making them virus-free areas.

Tirana has 256 coronavirus cases, followed by Shkodra, 100, and Kruja 58.


Lexo edhe:


Asi22/04/2020 12:39

Numri i rasteve jepet sipas planeve te qeverise. Keto dite rastet u riten sepse duhet te tremben nherezit dhe te shtyhet karantina deri ne 23 qershor. Ditet e tjera do kete me shume raste qe te thuhet se Rama ka te drejte qe ti shtyje 2 muaj izolimin. Ne e kaluam familjarisht ne janar e shkurt koronen e nuk ndodhi gje edhe pse nuk u moren masat si keto sot. Opozita te mis behet pjese e miratimit te ketij plani donkushotesk, ashtu si presidenti sot turperisjt dekretoi masat penale te na futin ne burg, nderrkohe nxoren nga burgu me plan kriminelet, drogmenet qe te futin njerezit e mdershem.

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