The rape victim of the Socialist MP’s son tells how a police chief mocked her

The rape victim of the Socialist MP’s son tells how a police chief mocked her

16:37, 27/09/2018
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Xhisela Maloka, the young woman that denounced the son of deputy Rrahman Rraja for rape, told the reasons why she withdrew her denouncement the first time.

She said in an interview with the daily Panorama she did it because she feared for her life after being threatened with murder.

She declared to the police officer Emiljano Nuhu that she did not have her father and lived only with her mother and sister.

“I withdrew it because the citizen Rexhep Rraja (the aggressor) threatened to kill me. They are a clan of criminals, they always keep guns, I do not have my father, he was murdered in 1997 and I live with my mom and sister”, Xhisela said.

Then she told how the chief of Police Department of Krujë mocked her, saying “if he beats you, he loves you”.

“A bald headed man came and introduced himself as the big chief there and said ‘if he beats you, he loves you’. That day Rexhep had beaten me badly, I remember I was bleeding. The next denouncement was in the Commissariat 3 in Tirana. This time I did not sign a declaration we had settled our problems, I denounced Rexhep Rraja for persecution”.



Lexo edhe:


Asd29/09/2018 18:14

70 % e policeve neper komisariate jane thellesisht injorante. Ka dhe nje pjese tjeter qe ose jane kriminele ose jane te lidhur direkt me krimin. Mendoj qe numuri i policeve duhet ulur me 9/10, duhen zgjedhur me shkolle te larte, te paguhen mire - 10 here me shume, dhe tu vendosen objektiva konkrete per te eliminuar krimin ne zonen e tyre.

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