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Shikojeni dy herë, është modeli i të brendshmeve

Modelja e njohur, Kinsey Sue definitivisht nuk ka të ndalur.

Bukuroshja edhe kësaj radhe ka ardhur me një fotografi të ‘nxehtë’ ku u shfaq veq në të brendshme, por, kësaj radhe me një detaj tjetër, shkruan Syri Kosova.

Fjala është për modelin e të brendshmeve, në pjesën poshtë.

Për shkak të dizajnit, modelja duket sikur është totalisht e zhveshur dhe se në pah ka vënë ‘zogun’ e saj, por, jo, thjesht janë të brendshme.



So many of you are not going after the girl you really want because of fear and I want to show you that you don’t have to settle. You really can create your dream life with your dream relationship and partner. I’ve worked so hard to put together the best 7 secrets and steps to getting the girl you really want and keeping her. I really want to help you guys understand these valuable steps so as a special offer I’m giving an early bird special for half off when you use code DATEME at check out. NOT ONLY THAT, but I’m picking one of the first few people who are serious about their dating lives and purchase the course to win a free one on one phone call with me! It starts now, link in bio or swipe up on story ??

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