EU negotiators finish the meeting with Rama and Meta and go to Basha’s office

EU negotiators finish the meeting with Rama and Meta and go to Basha’s office

16:14, 25/04/2017
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EU negotiators David McAllister and Knut Fleckenstein have finished their meeting with Premier Edi Rama and Speaker Ilir Meta.

The meeting took place in the Parliament office, aiming to find the common language between the majority and the opposition for the solution of the political crisis.

After the meeting with the two leaders of the governing coalition, EU negotiators are in a meeting with Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha in his party’s seat.


Lexo edhe:


Iliro25/04/2017 17:36

O Ilir, takimi rama basha do te ndodh kur hqiptaret te shkerdhjejne surratin tat!

Iliri25/04/2017 16:27

Basha duhet te terhiqet tani, ska zgjidhje tjeter. Ne 18 qershor do shkoj ne zgjedhje me Ramen ne krye te punve. Pas 18 qershorit do shkoj ne holland te shijoj parate e krimit dhe pensionin e parakohshem.

Iliri25/04/2017 16:25

Takimi rama-basha kur do ndodh?

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