US Ambassador Lu against Edi Rama: Do not manipulate with the idea of unification with Kosovo

US Ambassador Lu against Edi Rama: Do not manipulate with the idea of unification with Kosovo

13:28, 21/04/2017
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US Ambassador in Albania Donald Lu criticized Edi Rama’s for hinting about a potential unification of Albania and Kosovo, if both countries feel rejected from the European Union.

“The US government supports the sovereignty of Kosovo and Albania. We are against any careless discussion for unification. It would be an obstacle for the stability in the region and for both countries road towards EU”, Lu said for BIRN.

In an interview with Politico, published in 18 April, Rama said that if EU closed its doors to the West Balkans countries, then smaller unions could occur, such as Albania’s with Kosovo.

Rama insisted that was not what he wished, but added that if EU fails to integrate the West Balkans anything could happen.

“The only way to keep the Balkans in this pacific and cooperating spirit is to keep the road to EU open. No one would like to turn from themselves and look for smaller unions; everyone would like to join the bigger union. But, unless there’s hope, perspective, space, then smaller unions may occur”, Rama said.

Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi echoed Rama’s statement the next day, angrily accusing EU of “lack of vision towards the region”.

Serbian politicians condemned Rama’s and Tahçi’s declarations as “irresponsible and dangerous”. Serbia still has territorial claims to Kosovo, refusing to recognize the country’s independence since 2008. Most of EU members have recognized Kosovo’s independence, while Serbia, Russia and some other countries have not.


Lexo edhe:


Genti21/04/2017 22:30

Po ky kinezi mir qe i terheq veshin per brockulla qe thot per kosoven ed cari se per shqiperin nuk ndihet fare ky kinezi,sa pak na vlereson bota ne,ky esht i treti ambasador kinez qe dergon amerika ne shqiperi,pak nga pak po na len si ne koh te enverit,hani kokat shkurt se nuk beheni shtet ju jan duke na then, po kur shikojn ramen,veliajn,taulantin,spirllopallén,meten,doshin,frrokun e hajdut te tjer si kta dhe un po te isha hani kokat do thoja, vet i zgjidhni,ti mbani me shendet

Medlind21/04/2017 22:02

Edi Rama eshte Politikani me trim dhe me i drejteperdrejte ne raport per ceshtjen shqiptare me Nderkombetaret. nese flasim per Liri, Demokraci, dhe te Drejta universale njerezore Ai nuk trembet dhe as qe behet fjale te frikesohet kur eshte puna per te Deklarue me force dhe logjike te fresket per Problemin e Bashkimit Kombetar! Saliu dhe te gjithe para tij nuk kane guxuar kurre per ta kruajtur me Nderkombetaret dhe gjithmone kane heshtur dhe jane treguar INferior! Kjo eshte e vertete si drita e diellit§ Kjo nuk eshte Pak, o Njerez me mend ne koke! Kjo eshte avancim galopant qe populli shqiptar mbarekombetar duhet ta Vleresojne pa ngjyra partiake por Patriotike Edi Ramen.

mali21/04/2017 18:03

Ouuu doli lu-ja ! Po ku kishe humbur mo lu ? Humbe dhe ti neper tonelatat e hashashit !! Humbet te dy bashke me vlahurinerat !! Fillove prap ti kapesh nje nga nje majlinderat ! Po kush ja var majlinderave , kauza e opoziten eshte shume qarte dhe e mberthyer , agjencite e zbulimit te krimit qofte amerikane e qofte europiane e kane zberthyer dhe e kane mberthyer vet ! Thene nga keto agenci vendi eshte shnderruar ne vend te pare ne europe per prodhim trafikimi narkotikesh dhe pastrim parash te pista !!

rednex21/04/2017 15:22

Edhe Vuciç e Daciç u dilni ne krah vetem per te sulmuar Ramen...une e di qe keto jane deklarata boshe si nga Rama apo Thaçi sepse shtetet tona skane fuqi as politike as ushtarake te bejne nje gje te tille por e verteta eshte qe kjo eshte nje enderr per cdo shqipetar te vertete qe trojet tona te bashkohen nje dite ne nje shtet te vetem..

bec banuku21/04/2017 15:10

Nuk e bene dote Edi Rama kete bashkim,mbasi e dine fare mire qe spostohet drejte veriut qendra e gravitetit te Shqipeise

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