Fleckenstein: Albania is not like Macedonia. Basha responds: You’re right, we’re much worse

Fleckenstein: Albania is not like Macedonia. Basha responds: You’re right, we’re much worse

12:17, 12/04/2017
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha has responded to the statements of Euro MP Knut Fleckenstein, made yesterday in Brussels.

Talking to Albanian media correspondents, Fleckenstein said Albania does not need a caretaker cabinet, because the situation in the country is not like that in Macedonia.

Basha responded today by saying Fleckenstein is right, “because Albania is worse than Macedonia is”.

“Knut Fleckenstein was right for one thing. There is no similarity between Albania and Macedonia, because our country is so much worse. We have asked Premier Rama to leave as a sign of minimal responsibility of what he did to this country. Leaving the Prime Minister’s chairs is the least of conditions”, was Basha’s response from the Tent of Freedom today.

“The vetting of the politics can be made only by the citizens through their free vote. I am determined to stand as an obstacle to Rama’s seizure of justice”.

© SYRI.net

Lexo edhe:


Alb312/04/2017 17:21

Te dashur Shqipetare te ndershem qe sot gjendeni pa shprese nga "rilindja" qe mashtroi me krijimin e 300000 vendeve te punes . Ju qe votuat dhe sollet "rilindjen" ne pushtet po sot jeni totalisht te zgenjyer. Ju qe nuk votuat per "rilindjen" po ndjeni varferimin qe ajo ju solli ne 4 vite pushtet sot o asnjehere bashkohuni reth kaused se cadres si simbol i demokracise per te mos jlejuar qe sulltanet e "rilindjes" te ju robetojne me tej. Ju keni forcen e qendrimit paqesor qe eshte virtyti me i larte i demokracise ,mos prisni qe problemet te ja zgjidh BE . BE po kalon krizen e shperberjes ajo sot nuk eshte ne gjendje te kuptoje se cpasoja negative ka shkaktu per Shqipetaret e ndershem qeveria e "rilindasve ". Qytetar te Shqiperise mos e leshoni fatin e te ardhmes se femijeve tuaj ne duart e nje qeverie te papare si "rilindja" . Pas kater vjetesh te qeverise "rilindase" ju ndiheni me te varfer e me te poshteruar ne arenen nderkombetare. Shqiperia so ka vetem njeekuivalent ate te Afaganistanit krahasu per ng permasat e kanabisit. Zgjohuni Shqipetare sa nuk eshte vone.

roshi12/04/2017 13:28

Ketij ju vertetua qe ishte kelysh i soros,prandaj i duhet perplasur ne fytyre,por me mire do ishte tja futnim rames me grusht fytyres,sepse nuk paska lene dipllomat te huaj pa blere

koo12/04/2017 13:14

Ky eshte tipik modeli sorrosit knut Pederasti .Ju pederasta nuk merreni vesh si tju kuptojme ketej thoni drejtesi nga ana tjeter lejoni pa drejtesi, ketej thoni jo droge nga ana tjeter nuk ka gje droga se nuk ka lidhje me zgjedhjet po si more shoku Knut pedrasti tju marrim vesh ne populli qe nuk merremi me politike , sidomos me politiken tuaj Sorriste vetem thase me dollare per vete po per popullin Shqiptar nuk doni te dini fare ma fare ????? .

juri12/04/2017 12:19

po cjane keta euvropian apo jane mire per vete dhe te tjeret le te vdesin per buke te vriten ne atetentate per drog postitucion korrupsion ....

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