Financial scandal of the new minister of health: Fictive payments to the private hospitals and tenders’ abuse

Financial scandal of the new minister of health: Fictive payments to the private hospitals and tenders’ abuse

15:26, 13/03/2017
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New minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu has a professional resume full of heavy financial scandals from the time she managed the University Hospital Center Nënë Tereza (QSUT) in Tirana.

The woman who will guide the Albanian healthcare now has been officially accused from the High State Control of abuse with public tenders and financial fraud, making fictive payments to the private hospitals from the QSUT budget.

An audition report from the High State Control last year found out that Manastirliu had made fictive payments to two private hospitals, subcontracted by QSUT for the dialysis service.

“The audition found out there is no record or evidence of the patients’ number and data on their conditions, necessary to follow the level of fulfilled séances and the service bill from the subcontracted hospital”, the report says.


    Lexo edhe:


    Qytetar13/03/2017 16:36

    Dhe zorraxhiu kerkon tja hedhi me kte hajdute ,ku e ke shendetesine falas 300 mij vende pune ku e ke uljen e enegjise elektrike ku ku ku jane shume , po zhdukjen e droges ku e ke se bere shou me lazaratin dhe mbushe Shqiperine , dhe Europen me droge made in Albania. Jep doreheqjen te krijohet qeveri teknike e te zhvillohen zgjedhje te lira .

    tini13/03/2017 16:18

    KLSH ka nxjerre shkelje te shumta ne kontrollin e QSUT . Ka patur skandale te medha te cilat nje pjese jane mbuluar me para dhe nderhyrje. Ogerta eshte Ilir Beqja ne kub , persa i perket korrupsionit. Ajo nuk e pyeste fare Beqen , pasi njera ishte nona e tjetra baba e korrupsionit ne shendetsi . Kush te vidhte e krijuar favore mu shume per vete dhe firmat qe i rrethojne.

    folk13/03/2017 16:14

    Bravo kjo do ta coj me perpara mjeksine.Kete mandat u realizua mjekesia falas nga rilindja.Po te fitoj edhe nje mandat tjeter lume ata qe do te shtrohen ne spital se edhe do te paguhen.Ore...,nuk besoni qe mjekesia eshte falas?Pa me thoni kush i semur jep lek? Asnjeri! Leket i japin te afermit.Ja pra qe i semuri nuk paguan dhe kjo quhet mjekesi falas.Suksese ne jete.

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