The dossier of road at the Prosecution for Serious Crimes, former minister of tansport risks being investigated

The dossier of road at the Prosecution for Serious Crimes, former minister of tansport risks being investigated

15:31, 05/02/2018
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Former minister of Transports Edmond Haxhinasto, currently a deputy of the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) could be investigated from the Prosecution for Serious Crimes, following the arrests of former director of roads Dashamir Xhika and two former officials, Albens Alite and Aksel Qurduka. The arrested face charges for corruption and office abuse, causing a damage of €80 million to the budget of state.

Haxhinasto is under verification from the Prosecution on account of the dossier on the road Tirana-Elbasan. The investigation started last December, after Minister Damian Gjiknuri filed a lawsuit in the Prosecution for Serious Crimes.

The Prosecution is verifying whether Haxhinasto performed his duty as minister. Sources told Top Channel TV that the Supreme Audit Institution exposed a mismanagement of the project but the Ministry of Transports did not take measures. The strongest suspicion is whether the former minister ordered the creation of an internal commission to evaluate the situation after the noticed violations.


Lexo edhe:


Konja05/02/2018 16:42

Peshakqeni i madh u ngjit lart. Se kapin dot

Sonja05/02/2018 15:49

Drejtoret dhe nendrejtoret, jane vetem menaxhuesit dhe perfituesit per sherbimin e tyre, por milionat kane shkuar me siper drejt kupoles, tek Mondi e me siper akoma. Prandaj mos viktimizoni drejtoret e shkret, por shefat e tyre me lart, peshqit e medhenj dhe peshkaqenin e math.

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