The Democrat Party presents a motion against Albania’s vote in favor of UN Resolution on Jerusalem

The Democrat Party presents a motion against Albania’s vote in favor of UN Resolution on Jerusalem

13:37, 29/01/2018
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The Democratic Party of Albania has presented a resolution in the Parliament today, requesting a position change on the United Nations Resolution on Jerusalem. The Democrats require debates in the parliament over the unacceptable act of the Albanian government, which voted pro UN Resolution and against the US President Trump decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

“Aiming to keep the peace and stability in the Middle East and the world; being aware of the indispensable role the United States plays and will play on the solution of conflicts, coexistence and establishing the democracy in the region; considering the United States as the main strategic partner of our country, free Kosovo, Albanians in Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and wherever they are; by expressing our friendship to the State of Israel, a friendly and democratic country in the Middle East; by expressing our friendship to the Palestinian people and supporting its right for a stable state through negotiations and agreements… and being worried by the Albanian government’s vote in favor of the Resolution on the Status of Jerusalem, dated December 21, 2017, in the General Assembly of the United Nations…, the Democratic Party demands from the government:

To distance itself officially and publically from the Final Communications and the Statement of the Summit of the Islamic Cooperation Organization of December 13, 2017.

Revise its vote for the UN Resolution on Jerusalem of December 21, 2017, in accordance with UN regulations and declare a non-approving position towards the aforementioned Resolution”, the Democratic Party says in the request to the parliament.


    Lexo edhe:


    sonja 29/01/2018 21:04

    Jam shume dakort per kete qe ka bere opzota, por me duket se nuk eshte momenti ky, te tjra probleme urgjente jane per tu zgjidhur, dhe jo kjo. Me duket se Luli po i bene lemsh gjerat, duke krijuar nje amulli dhe duke e coroditur popullin ne menyre qe ta largoj sa me shume nga PD-ja. Ne presim te diskutohet per ceshtjet tejet te nxehta, Luli i qan hallin Trampit. Lere Trampin Luli, se Trampi nepermjet Lu-s eshte me Ramen, nuk eshte me ty. Pra shume e kuptueshme per mua, te coroditet PD-ja sa me shume, qe asnjehere te mos vij ne pushtet. Luli eshte i futur nga sigurimi i shtetit ne PD, per ta shkaterruar ate. Ai po bene lojen e Rames.

    fery29/01/2018 18:28

    Edhe vota kunder SHBA dhe Rezollutes se Kongresit amerikan per shpalljen e Jerusalemit kryeqytet te Izraelit ne OKB , nuke eshte thjeshte nji vote kunder presidentit Trumph por , prapa kesaje vote qendojne forca te erreta nder shqiptsret qe kane per qellim amortizimin e mbeshtetjes amerikane se Shqipërisë dhe shqiptareve kudo qe ata jetojne .Per ironi , edhe ne Kosove ndodhen zhvillime te ulta te tentativa se terheqjes se ligjit te Gjykates Speciale , veprim i cili mund te konsiderohet i njejte me votimin e Shqipërisë kunder ne OKB .Dhe nese keto dy gjera analizohet nga pesha e tyre por edhe ne harkun kohor kure kane ndodhur realishte duhet cdokush te bie ne nji konkluzion se as njera dhe as tjetra nuke ndodhen rastesishte pse ndodhen ne te njejten kohe ngase , le te kuptohet se ne trojet ku jetojne shqiptaret , mbeturinat e komunizmit te shendruara ne ne pinjoll te sortosit kane ndikimin e tyre dhe jane ne top - forme te veprojne nga kater anet kunder shqiptareve .Qitja ne rend dite ne kuvendin e shtetit shqiptar votimin kunder Amerikes dhe presidentit Trumph do te ishte shume mire vetem nese ka qellim te sinqerte te gjetjes se shkakut se perse Shqipëria votoi kunder .Nese kjo tentative ka per qellim qe nepermes debatit te degradoje ky veprim kunder i Shqipërisë ateher votimi kunder ne OKB behet akoma me i rezikeshem per Shqiperine dhe shqiptaret kudo qe ata jetojne

    shikohet29/01/2018 14:44

    Sa deklarate fallco, hipokrite, servile, mashtruese, e padrejte, diskriminuese per palestinen,deklarate e felliqur, puthadorese, e pandershme! Do kalojme direkt me Ramen, trim dhe burre e jo dhic si ju!

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