LSI, Vasili appeals to the US and EU Ambassadors: Break your silence, act now

LSI, Vasili appeals to the US and EU Ambassadors: Break your silence, act now

08:40, 23/01/2018
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The chairman of the parliamentary group of LSI, Petrit Vasili, appealed to US Ambassador Donald Lu and EU Ambassador Romana Vlahutin to break their silence while Albanian Premier Edi Rama is eliminating the International Monitoring Mission.

"The website of the European Delegation in Tirana explains the reason why IMO is being deployed to Albania:

“The justice reform package adopted in 2016 aimed at restoring public trust and confidence in the judiciary. As part of the reform, specific provisions were foreseen to re-evaluate current judges, prosecutors and legal advisors/assistants (vetting process) on the basis of integrity, ethical background and professional competence. The involvement of the international community in this process is constitutionally foreseen - it was considered crucial for the credibility of the process by the Albanian legislator”, Vasili wrote today, quoting IMO website.

“So, it is explained for all the Albanian citizens that IMO, where EU and US also participate, is decisive for the Reform. But the Prime Minister and his blind kamikazes rejected and despised IMO, because they give priority and send to the parliament the candidates that IMO disqualified”.

“IMO was the only guarantee for Albanians after the endless promises of Lu and Vlahutin. I was among the believers and I voted for the Reform to be voted in the parliament. I’d like to remind you it was the fifth vote, without which the Reform could not go to the parliament”.

“IMO was thrown away by the Prime Minister and the Reform’s integrity was thrown away with it. The Reform lost its moral. Will Lu and Vlahutin continue to be quiet? In many cases they have shown they know to react immediately. This is the case to save the disintegrated and maimed Reform”.

Break your silence, Valhutin and Lu, act now”, Vasili appealed to the ambassadors.


Lexo edhe:


Daj Jaku24/01/2018 10:14

O Plaku, plak partizan i vogël, komunist i qelbur. Lu e Vllahinka janë njerëz (edhe ata të paguar dhe të rekrutuar nga mafja EDram/Sajqorri). Thëniet e Sajqorrit janë të gjitha kërcënime me gjuhë mafioze, prandaj asksush nga antarët e mafjes, as EDrama e as LuVllahinka nuk bëzanë ndaj kërcënimeve, përkundrazi u turrën ta shpëtojnë atë dhe veten.

PUSIPUSI23/01/2018 15:00

O LLAQIiiii,,,,,,, ju ka ngelur kemba ne Mu,,,,, O LLAQIII, Po hiqini syzet oLLAQI,,, A e keni pare kete humor. Keshtu po na i bejne edhe ne keta ambasadore.OLLCAKU i qeverise, ZAPTUSI i SHQIPERISE ka rrembyer tere pushtetet, por nuk e meriton ky qen, bir qeni qe sot ne demokraci te pushtoi popullin evet. Ti jepet derrma, shqelmi per ta shporrur, qe te shpetojme nje here emire.. POPULLI E KA TASHME NE DDORE.VRAPI

Plaku 23/01/2018 14:53

Hahahah sa qesharak qe jeni. Te iki lu dhe vlahutin... e te vi sala te bej reformen ne drejtesi. E para e punes lu dhe vlhutin nuk kan ardhe ne shqiperi ashtu kot po i ka vendos dikush dhe ai dikushi e di se kur do ti heq qe aty. Dhe e dyta reforma do behet doni apo nuk doni ju qe e kundershtoni. Nje gje u ka ngel te beni, te luteni qe te ken meshir per ju kur tju vi dita e gjykimit.

Sonja 23/01/2018 11:53

Ka koh qe para zgjedhjeve qe LU dhe Vlahutin po gatuajn corben e qelbur te drejtesis ne Shqiperi. Ju duhet te dilni hapur tashme kunder ketyre qendrimeve te tyre dhe jo me gjuhen diplomatike. Nuk kane ctju bejne as juve si parti opozitare as si persona politik, as si persona familjar. Shqiprija ne gremin. Shqiprija ne duar te mafies. Ne 27 duhet te kete dhe thiirrje kunder LU-s dhe Vlahutin. (jo kunder amerikes apo europes) ata jane te perlyer. E tha Tahiri qe dhe ata njeres jane. Eshte me se e kuptueshme kjo shprehje. Zgjoni pjesen intelektuale te popullit, studentet, se po e late ne dore te fshtareve, ata jetojne dhe me buke that dhe pa buk fare, jane mesuar, nuk reagojn.

tosi23/01/2018 09:50

Pse vazhdohet me facebook? Pse nuk dalin ne konference shtypi pd me lsi.Lu dhe Vllahut e kane vertetuar qe jane per nje reforme alla rama.Anashkaluan komisionin e venecias per ppp,tani po anashkalojne onm

t23/01/2018 09:40

Hudheni ne plehrat ramen qe me 27 dhe niseni reformen nga fillimi nqs ju intereson me te vertete reforma

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