The opposition rejects the bill proposed by Rama, Basha says ‘it nets only gudgeons instead of big fish’

The opposition rejects the bill proposed by Rama, Basha says ‘it nets only gudgeons instead of big fish’

11:57, 18/01/2018
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha and the opposition have objected the law on the arrests of high officials, deputies and ministers, proposed by the government.

The government introduced yesterday the bill on new rules for the arrest of persons with immunity.

"Albanians saw how Edi Rama turned the parliament into a courtroom and did not let Saimir Tahiri to answer before justice. Rama is changing this pattern into a law and he’s undoing the main pillar of justice. With all these acts he proposes he is undoing the Judiciary Reform, he’s taking measures so that no corrupt minister or deputy, no crime accomplice answer before justice and is protected by the majority’s political acts”, Basha said today.

“There’s no doubt the Democratic Party will object the bill that has only one intention: undoing the Judiciary Reform and making sure that no “big fish” goes before justice and Albanians satisfy only with gudgeons”.

“He shall never have or approval for this or others steps that try to cover the track of the constitutional crimes”, Basha promised.



Lexo edhe:


hasan18/01/2018 12:29

cdo dit qe kalon me kete qeveri cdo dit eshte vuajtje per popullin cdo dit qe qeverisemi nga keta mashtusa cdo dit shkojm me larg BE Shqipetaret iken te gjith neper azile se ska me alternativ tjeter

agron18/01/2018 12:26

nuk ka te ardhme Shqiperia me njerz te droguar qe drejtojn vendin ton me keta oligark qe po drejtojn vendin po e cojn ne humner

fadil18/01/2018 12:24

rilindjes po i vjen ora te shkoj perpara drejtesis te bashkuar per te rrezuar keta flleqesiara

RENATO18/01/2018 12:23

me qeverin e rilindjes ka vetem korrupsion vetem drog dhe terror

demir18/01/2018 12:22

pret populli te kap rama peshkun e madh kur ai eshte vet peshku i madh dhe mir qe spo kam as te vegjel por po nxier se kjo eshte strATEGJI E TIJ TE NXIER TE BEJ TERROR

orjola18/01/2018 12:20

te bashkuar per te cuar para drejtesis partin e kanabisit

artan18/01/2018 12:15

e ka kthyer vendin si ne kolumbi me drog dhe si ne siri nga terrori

dorjan18/01/2018 12:13

si mund ti besosh ketij lloj njeriu qe katandisi vendin si mos me keq

arjel18/01/2018 12:12

rama nuk ben drejtesi rama mbjell vetem laborator droge ne Shqiperi

antonio18/01/2018 12:11

populli eshte ne krahun tuaj basha ka ardhur koha ti perbysim keta qelbesira

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