LSI’s reaction: The Albanian vote should have been modified, any excuse is worthless now

LSI’s reaction: The Albanian vote should have been modified, any excuse is worthless now

12:00, 22/12/2017
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The Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) said Albania’s vote pro the UN Resolution on Jerusalem should have been unified and reflect the opinion of the whole Albanian people.

“Such an important decision should have a unified vote and represent the Albanian people. The Foreign Ministry hurried to explain the vote against (Trump’s decision). But, today, after putting Albanians in a difficult position and a done fact, any excuse is worthless”, Klajda Gjosha, former minister of Integration, declared in a press conference.

“Several countries have abstained and it’s a shame to see the abuse with the EU stance. It’s a shame Rama wants the United States to back him for the Judiciary Reform and by the other hand is being invested against it. The United States of America has always been by Albanians’ side”.


Lexo edhe:


Nebil22/12/2017 12:46

Sjellja e shqipareve eshte proamerikane (pro USA) dhe me popullin e Shtetit te Izraelit ata kane miqesi qe eshte forcuar ne lufte kunder Nazisteve gjermane dhe Fashisteve Italiane. Ne perkrahim kerkesat e popullit palestinez, aq sa te mos i prishim pune Shqiperise dhe shqiptareve. Lufta midis tyre eshte biblike dhe ne nuk ekmi as dokumenta as para ti perballojme aesite ndaj Palestines dhe popullit te saj. Myslymanizmi dhe katolicizmi shqiptar nuk kane pse behen pre e interesave qe realisht ne nuk i dime, aq me teper ky fyelli Edi Rama.

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