I agree with Mr. Hahn

I agree with Mr. Hahn

By Bledian Koka - 11/05/2017

Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiation Johannes Hahn wrote an open and non-personal letter to the citizens of Albania. Beyond jokes, Mr. Hahn let us know that the elections of June 18 will take place without the participation of the main opposition parties. Mr. Hahn says that “the democratic process must continue, even if some decide to stay behind”.

It’s true, the opposition refused all the offered solutions for consensus and it would have been better had they offered it at some point. Mr. Hahn says that “the elections will be assessed on their own merit, based on international standards”, what very probably means some “bright” page will be written for the first time ever for Albania in the international reports for the elections, with a sentence somewhere near the end: "Some opposition parties did not participate in the elections”.

What Mr. Hahn tells us comes indeed as a result of continuous efforts from him personally and other high European officials to give the country a solution to the political crisis and make the opposition participate in the elections. We must admit that, in rapport with the international partners, we couldn’t expect for more, even though a few days later US Deputy Assistant Secretary Hoyt Ye will visit Albania. His visit will indubitably be the last chance to find a last minute solution, even though it seems very unlikely. However, before sending us this letter, Mr. Hahn, you should have guaranteed us the acceleration of the membership process after the elections of June 18, which means that EU must accept us like that, without the opposition in the elections, with all our problems, which, dear Sir, are the same you have exposed in the progress reports from 2000 till today. We, Mr. Hah, have a problem with the properties that will never be solved; you have our word of honour for this. We, Mr. Hahn, are the most barbarian example of the daily violation of the vulnerable groups that gather tins in the garbage bins or beg. You’ll have our word of honour for this too; we’ll never move a finger to protect them.

We, Mr. Hahn, are the country with the highest level of corruption in the world, we abuse with the EU funds the same as EU official themselves. We give you our word of honour as Albanians that no man on earth will be able to take this record away from us and you know it pretty well already. We, Mr. Hahn, now have turned once again into a main hub of drugs and refugees traffic towards Europe. Now you may only dream about the fight against these two phenomena you saw during the eight years of the Democratic government, for which you appreciated us by giving, in exchange, the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) and the visa liberalization. We, Mr. Hahn, are now officially the first and only cannabis producing and exporting country in Europe.

The doubts for this record, seeing that as far as 2014 we only had an area as Lazarat, went away once we planted the seed of evil all over Albania. The whole product, Mr. Hahn, will be from now on a gift to you and the EU countries, as sign of gratitude for the support you’ve always given us.

P.S. Dear Mr. Hahn, I agree with you, we are these and we don’t intend to change. That’s why I am pretty sure that, with the letter you sent us today, you have taken into account all our vices too and soon you’ll start the procedures of our Membership in EU. Right?

    © SYRI.net

    Lexo edhe


    Salikomunisti15/05/2017 16:38

    Te gjithe ata qe nuk ju vijne mbas avazit ju komunistave dhe sigurimsave qe na jeni bere antikomunista jane enverista jane te blere etj.vetem ju qe deri dje na benit moral per te mirat e soc na jeni kthyer ne dhjerokrat por po shani perseri imperialistet me keq si dikur ne kohen e dulles. Ju dhjerokratet jeni me imp apo me soc apo per nje karrike jeni gati te shisni edhe bythen. Ktiij bledit edhe ju dhjerokratet me mire tu shash nga familja se sa salikomunisti.

    Mira15/05/2017 05:38

    Te lumte Bledi.Ke thene te verteten dhe vetem te verteten.Po a do tja tregojne Hanit keto pyetje ?.Po blien te gjithe me meleonat e droges.Skandal.Keta qe te kundervihen me kete gjuhe prej rrugaci jane ish sigurimsat.Jane pasardhesit e Enverit.Kjo qeveri eshte krejt e tyrja,prandaj ata bejne ckos per te.Se perndryshe,ne nje qeveri demokratike qe zbaton ligjet,ata do ti fute ne burg per krimet qe kane bere.Eshte per te ardhur keq se si e katandisen kete vend kjo qeveri.

    i zhgenjyeri12/05/2017 23:33

    bledi bravo je gazetar me kurajo gje qe vendi jone gazetare si juve i ka te rralle ju pergezojme.por me vjen keq apo peshtire disa komentus te kercenojne turp te kene. pretendojne se po ndertojne shtet demokratik.

    xhaja nga Kavaja .12/05/2017 17:34

    Bledi trimi qe po mundohet ta krruaj by... me xham !
    kujdes se keta qe ti perpiqesh ti ironizosh ta çajne by... fare ose ta shqyejn sa te te degjohet ulerima deri ne Bruksel.

    loku12/05/2017 16:31

    Mbeshtetje per gazetarin profesionist

    Tirana12/05/2017 14:10

    Duket qe jeni nje gazetar mjaft i pjekur politikisht ne raport jo vetem me moshen tuaj , por edhe me " analistet " e " moderatoret " e shumte qe po i shperdorojne sistematikisht ekranet dhe mediat duke i kthyer ne mjedise pa edukate fillestare dhe kulture demokratike .
    Keto te fundit jane shndrruar ne mjedise ku vetem zhurmohet ne menyre te planifikuar paraprakisht nga keta moderatore te dhunshem , pa edukaten fillestare te miresjelljes ndaj te ftuarve , me e dukshme kjo ndaj gazetareve dhe politikaneve qe mbeshtesin opoziten .
    Keta moderatore po perdorin dhunshem futjen e publicitetit , nderhyrjen vend e pa vend me " pyetje " qe kane te bejne me nderprerjen e mendimit te bashkefolesit ne raport me publikun .
    Keta moderatore thuajse ne menyre triumfale prej injorantesh te vegjel , lejojne gjithashtu nderhyrjen dhe nderprerjen e diskutimeve te krahut te djathte nga te ftuarit e krahut te majte , duke marre rolin e budallait dhe te servilit ne favor te ketyre te fundit .
    Keta moderatore injorante po i shohim çdo nate ne ekranet e TV-ve me te medhenj te vendit edhe duke " i vene vulen." politikes , a thua se nuk ka me te tjere per kete pune .
    Duket se tash ka ardhur koha qe se bashku me ta , te ndryshojne edhe fytyrat e analisteve qe per me shume se 10 - 15 vjet po i japin dallash opinionit publik , duke ndikuar edhe ata qellimisht jo me pak se politikanet ne krijimin e kesaj amullie politike ne ekranet tona .

    Mira12/05/2017 12:11

    Sa mire qe kane mbetur akoma pak gazetare qe kane
    guximin te thone te verteten.
    Ju uroj suksese ne punen e gazetarit prej verteti!

    Sinani12/05/2017 10:59

    Te lumte Bled! Duket qe je jevg i ndershem!

    Vajmedet12/05/2017 10:27

    A e mendoni pak se cfare po shrkuani? si ju komentuesit, ashtu edhe autori i artikulli!!!!
    Me sillni ndermend Enverin me armiqte e jashtem e te brendshem!!!! Sipas jush vetem ne, d.m.th Basha e company jane te drejte, te ndershem, te pakorruptuar, te tjeret jane plehra???
    Thirrini mendjes, nese ju ka ngelur ndopak!!!!!

    xakja12/05/2017 08:05

    Te lumt o bledi

    Zana 12/05/2017 02:26

    o Drita mos u shqeteso ja lexon Vllahutini

    ALMA 11/05/2017 22:11

    te lumte Bledi por duhet te flasin te gjithe se dhe kufijte e shqiperise europa qe ajo qe na coptoji 1913 duhet te zgjohemi nga gjumi i gjithe populli

    Drita11/05/2017 21:20

    Perfekt a ja lexon kush z hann

    EMIGRANTI 11/05/2017 20:47

    bravo bledian i ndershem e i sakte ne analizen tende bravo per guximin qe po tregon mos ki frike edhe po te pushuan nga puna keta felliqesira dite me te mira per ty e gjithe popullin shqiptar do te vinmbasi te shkulni nga rrenjet kete gangrene qe po na merr frymen gazetare te guximshem e me integritet i duhen vendit.

    Titi.11/05/2017 19:20

    Z. Bledian te lumte per shkrimin real dhe te vertete.

    nino11/05/2017 19:16

    bledian komplimenti per artikullin por nuk eshte vetem shoku han jane te gjithe europjan qe jane te korruptuar me ne krye gjermanet me gabriel merkel ambasadoren e shume palaco te tjere me ne krye koke kuqen e lej fenin

    Shto koment
