Ms. Vlahutin’s image as corrupt and Rama’s political defender

Ms. Vlahutin’s image as corrupt and Rama’s political defender

By - 12/11/2017

OLAF Director General Giovanni Kessler’s resignation has strengthened the perception about Ms. Vlahutin’s image as corrupt and a fanatic political defender of Premier Edi Rama and his ministers.

The behavior and attitude of Ambassador Vlahutin have damaged seriously the image of the European Commission office in Tirana and also of the high and medium level officials in Brussels that cover Albania, not excluding Ms. Mogherini in person. This public perception of Ms. Vlahutin’s corruption, of her suspicious ties with Rama and ministers of his cabinet, and for the network that keeps and defends her in Brussels in based upon several arguments.

First, Ms. Vlahutin has held a clear preferential attitude pro Rama’s government, hiding in her reports the corruption of the high officials in Rama’s cabinet and the public administration and by not sending for nearly three years no information about cannabis cultivation and the traffic of strong drugs.

Second, Ms. Vlahutin’s perception as corrupt comes from the purchase of the villa in a VIP area in Tirana for a price of 1.6 million Euros, nearly three times the actual price in that area. The arguments given by Ms. Vlahutin and the passive attitude of the anti-fraud office in Brussels have only increased the negative perception of Ms. Vlahutin as corrupt and also for her corruptive ties with top brass in Brussels.

Third, Ms. Vlahutin is seen as politically bond to Rama and ministers of his cabinet and she’s attacked in the media outlets and social media as compromised with corruption and cannabis money from Rama’s government. There are suspicions in the social media not only about her appointment but also for her protection, making one think they come not only as a wish of Rama’s government but also as a collusion of certain officials that are seen as corrupt in Brussels and in a client-like and political bond among them, going as far as Ms. Mogherini’s name.

Fourth, Kessler’s resignation, now accused of corruption and well-known for his defense of the corruptive case of villa’s purchase is an uncontestable proof of everything that is said and talked about in Tirana for Ms. Vlahutin personally and her ties to Kessler, which is thought to go up to Ms. Mogherini.

Keeping Vlahutin in the EC office in Tirana has damaged seriously its functioning and first of all the activity of its chief in an EU-candidate country. The Albanian opposition has gone as far as asking for Vlahutin’s exclusion from its meetings with high representatives of Brussels.

All that is not simply a position of the opposition or Rama’s enemies, as the PM is trying to present it in meetings with high officials in Brussels. This is an almost general opinion that exists in the majority of the Corpse Diplomatic of the EU member countries and also of many officials of the office in Tirana led by Vlahutin, which have not expressed it publically but have included it in their reports to their chancelleries.


    Lexo edhe


    Daj Jaku13/11/2017 12:22

    Turqishtja ka një term shumë të përshtatshëm dhe domethënës: "ashiqare". Vllahutin dhe Lu, mercenarë të Soros, kanë vepruar ashiqare, pe e çarë b**** fare se ka edhe ndëshkim në këtë jetë, duke shpresuar me gjithë shpirt që ferri xhehnemi nuk ekziston. Por krimet një ditë paguhen, vonon por nuk harron. Si bashkautorë të krimeve të EDramës do paguajnë të gjithë për çfarë i kanë bërë dhe vazhdojnë ti bëjnë këtij populli.

    shkurt201412/11/2017 21:00

    Nuke kane thene kote,e provuar,moje europe moje kurva e motit,e tidhe eshte edhe perfaqsuesja e europes plake e kurve sic eshte vete.

    Adi12/11/2017 18:25

    Bravo Shtypi duhet te vazhdoje me me guxim te demaskoje veprimet e njeanshme jo vetem te zonjes Vllahutin por edhe te ambasadorit Lu.

    fery12/11/2017 17:36

    Znj Romana Vllahutin para se te emrohej ambasadore e BE ne Shqiperi , kushte nji skandal te madh korruptiv ne shtetin nga ajo vjene , ne Kriaci por , hetimet u ndalen per arsye te moseprishjes se imazhit te shtetit me te ri antare e BE -Kroacise
    Tani ambasadorja Vllahutin thuhet se posedon nji vile luksoze ne lagje ne VIP-ve ne Tirane te cilen e ka marre peshqesh nga kryeministri shqiptar Edi Rama qe te dergoje ne Bruksel raporte " te mira " per Shqiperine dhe te heshte per krimin dhe korrupsionin galopant te pushtetareve dhe qeveritareve te shtetit shqiptar per te cilin shkruan edhe prestigjizja gjermane Di Wel se gjate gjithe kohes se tranzicionit pushtetaret shqiptar gllabruan mbi 18 miljard $ e qe znj.ambasadore kushte per detyre te raportonte Brukselit dhe jo te heshte per pervetesimin e parase se taksapagueseve shqiptar, taksapagueseve te BE dhe taksapagueseve te SHBA

    Sonja12/11/2017 14:59

    Kaq shume koh dhe fakte duhen per te kuptuar qe Vlahutin eshte e korruptuar ? Gjitheshka duket hapur Ajo duhet PERZENE nga Shqiprija. Ajo ka dhe nje gje qe eshte (dhe pse plakaruqe) sexi, Rames i pelqen besoj....TE PERZIHET DHE TE BESHTYHET. ajo fytyr e paftyr...

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